Se for eleito congressista.

Day 1,158, 09:01 Published in Portugal Portugal by heilel

Caros cidadãos.

Decidi de novo candidatar-me ao congresso. Caso seja eleito congressista prometo:

- Trollar todos os dias a Fermusita (aquela tipa que trocou portugal por espanha - pelos vistos, ela não gosta que lhe enviem musicas pelo youtube).
- Dinamizar o chat do IRC com conversas totalmente inúteis;
- Floodar o chat de IRC com vídeos de músicas e filmes que ninguém gosta.

(English version - I didn't feel like translating this huge texto to english, so I went to google translator and translated it from portuguese to spanish and then from spanish to english)

Dear citizens.

I decided to devote myself to the new Congress. I promise to be electe😛

- Troll Fermusita every day (that girl who left Portugal in Spain - apparently does not like to send music from YouTube).
- Promote the IRC chat conversations with completely useless;
- Flooding the chat with music videos and movies that nobody likes.