Sad but True

Day 1,564, 22:44 Published in Canada Canada by Funky 24

It's been two weeks since the Canadian Paradox Party was PTOed by Rolo Tahmasee and his gold diggers. If it were not for the spontaneous debate about pardoning this ruffian, people probably would have forgotten it altogether. Prior to the PP election I didn't see a single article from a CPP candidate. There was hardly any ATO effort and there isn't one now. The forums are dead and the members have joined EPIC or devoted their time to the CSD. There was more life from Post-PTOed MOO which was a third of the size of the CPP until Addy decided to leave. And the former core of eCanada's francophone party have made the effort to create a Quebec oriented party while the CPF and CanVision are still kicking at the can despite all suffering from PTOs. So what gives with the Paradoxians?

Prior to their PTO they were run by that typical party president of V2, such as Prince A. Joseph. Heavy on the small gifts to entice new players who never learned to advance, liberal with the quick articles filled with managerial announcements and women. You know they were just going to treat the political module as some link to growing their friends list and handout food. In V2, why run your party any differently than an MU?

Because then it becomes just like every other party out there. Another party that doesn't take itself seriously, that doesn't know itself and can't impart any wisdom or inspiration that can't be covered by an MU. Another EPIC or TCOp that just talk about participation. Yawn.

By the end it became more like the Military Dictatorship Party. I guess once you build up your friend network and have a decent 5 gold a month campaign for your members by getting them to congress, ideology takes a back seat to simply centralizing your power. So not only did the CPP become filled with drifting political zombies, it became your typical socialist elitist club where the forum is half-alive and the PP rules punitively.

I don't like Rolo or his large non-active chapters. I don't like it when people support him. But what I dislike the most is when people are dumb enough to not see how they're hypocritical to criticise him and then not provide any alternative to the two-clickers filling in their party. A hand-out PP like Prince A. Joseph or a military/MU-hermit like Ralph Kline stand no chance when a citizen like Rolo comes along who can offer a substantial bribe AND a political inspiration (rebel, anarchist, or wise-old rich liberal, doesn't matter). Maybe if either had spent time educating their party's members why whatever the CPP stood for is in opposition to Rolo's doctrine or if they had involved the whole party with good communication and a fiery ideology filled with visions for what it means to play this game with that CPP membership attached to your profile, the party wouldn't be so vulnerable.

A real founder like 00AngryMobMan00, Jacobi or Tom Hagen might do better, but when the runner-up says something like this:

"I do still believe in eCanada, there are a great many good people here. We will prevail..."

[watch as he gives up regardless a paragraph later]

"I will quit this party as soon as I see it's officially taken over. I would encourage everyone in the CPP to do the same, it's not coming back anytime soon. There has been talk of starting a new party and migrating. I won't be. Gonna head over to EPIC, hope you all join me."

then there is no hope because the CPP didn't exist any longer outside of the module, with the module nothing more than a tool to get food hand-outs after signing up. All that matters is to file out the party doors and head for the next soulless party (EPIC), where the congress members don't vote, where there is no meaning to their modus operandi and where the only redeemable quality is its intelligent leaders, who are restricted to a false ideology and can only offer reactions or long technical articles, hand-outs and successful campaigns for mediocre CPs. But hey, you're participating right? Good luck retaining them from inactivity if your message doesn't go beyond military matters and friendliness.

The CPP is dead and the people who value our democracy should celebrate it. Sad but true.

(tinyurl: )

Seven Tenets of the Canadian Progressive Front
1. Uphold the equality of all active Military Units
2. Make the accounting of government funding more open and important
3. Enhance our place in EDEN and TERRA
4. To respect, recognize and uphold the supremacy of the mechanics of the game
5. Develop a positive political sphere
6. Bring in Canadians to eRepublik
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy, by making forever available credit and bursaries to the general public

- Funky Hum24n, Canadian Progressive Front Party President.
- Join our party.
- Join us at our forum.
- Our IRC Channel is #nCPF
- CPF Wiki Page
Your Re-Introduction to the Canadian Progressive Front, Part 1
Your Re-Introduction to the Canadian Progressive Front, Part 2
CPF Update Oct. 22