RoHu and geopolitics games

Day 2,725, 01:54 Published in Romania Romania by Tigran the Great
Yellow in Budapest and Green in Bucharest

Geopolitics games are like the Hunger Games - everyone wants to be a survivor. And the battle is just as hard and wrong.

You all know what's going on nowadays. Hungary was thinking about rejoining Asteria. In consequence, they started acting upon it, doing some PR for this move in their country and courting all Asteria members. Except Romania.

Now, that's hardly a surprise given the past relations between these 2 nations. Their interest is not to become friends with Romania, but to secure good relations with Serbia, Argentina and Brazil. Which begs the question: DID THEY REALLY WANT TO REJOIN ASTERIA?

Let's think about it. Why would they want to rejoin? Their official statement implies that "since they were among the founding nations of Asteria, their government thought to give a rejoining effort a try. Such a move would have increased the organization and firepower of the alliance, while also providing Hungary with a more definite framework and less ambiguity about their status. In short, a win-win scenario from both sides".

Here is what you need to understand about Hungary and every other country out there: the first rule of a nation is to follow your own interests.

"thought to give a rejoining effort a try".. come on, who are you kidding here? If you really wanted to be part of Asteria, you wouldn't have left in the first place. Your ego's got in the way of your strategy so you packed your bags and left. Well good for you. But making sound like "we don't really need you, but for a better future we agree to play with you" is a pathetic way of saying "we need new alliances". Of course, it's politics.. God forbid ever telling the truth.. it would be the death of the nation that does.

"less ambiguity about our status" - really? Once in Asteria, all is well between everyone? I sincerely doubt that. The past week has proved it. Hungary and Romania have both trust issues and a considerable amount of past conflicts. One could say another is inevitable, whilst trying to change this situation is a childish, funny dream.

If we take a look at the official statements from both countries regarding the events from this past month we will see a Hungary that knows how to make some good PR and a Romania that knows how to be a member of Asteria.

They both succeeded in their objectives:
1. Hungary reconfirmed Serbia as ally and gained a few new friends.
2. Romania proved that Hungary has issues and is simply a bad investment.

Pro Asteria status is enough and really all what Hungary wants. Their second objective was to discredit Romania's image, probably in hope of looking like a better ally.

They say they set up the CO in a Romanian battle, as promised. It was set when it no longer was needed and only for props. Then they say Romania didn't return the favour, although they promised they would. Everyone who really followed the events in South America knows that Hungary had by far the easiest battles there, Chile not even trying to put up a fight. We don't practice dumping guys.. we don't set CO's just for kicks, unless of course zmeuNY wants some more money in his account. 🙂

They continue with the fact that Romania "threatened them with veto". I literally have no idea what goes on between the people in charge, however I doubt there were actual threats. All I can say is this: explaining your options to a person isn't threatening, unless that person makes it look like it is.

Then they say Romania kept adding clauses which made their rejoin impossible because a new government came along. Well, excuse me.. but how is that relevant? New gov comes, so you guys are in turmoil? All of a sudden you can't rejoin? That's some pretty nasty instability you have there my friends, get that checked out. And also, the clause which Romania imposed was the most basic rule of the alliance. Not accepting it basically means that you have no true interest in rejoining.

But this is where it gets funny - "the long term goal will be signing an MPP a few months after joining". That's like saying "we have issues, let's work them out as slowly as possible, while we share the same alliance".

But the end of their statement is the best: "This was likely the last attempt in a substantial amount of time that we tried to join Asteria as a whole. Governments come and go, but the people supporting them don’t change, and they have got an answer that gets rid of the ambiguity present in our community over the past year."

Seems to me like Hungary got exactly what they wanted. This condescending attitude of theirs only proves one thing: they made the correct decision in the past, when they left. And all the events of this past month were nothing more than games, meant to stop the national boredom that overcame them.

GG Hungary. I've enjoyed this very much. Now go back and hibernate, the big boys have stuff to do.

Al vostru,