Reality Check - Regions

Day 2,039, 05:54 Published in South Africa South Africa by Miyagiyoda

I write this in my private capacity as a fellow citizen of South Africa. The rhetoric and name calling has been flowing thick recently. It has crossed my mind again in so many months to discern the root causes.

What is a region worth in eRepublik?

Each region in a country contain a resource bonus that goes towards production bonuses which increase the supply of raw materials and items. Duplicate resources have no value.

What is a region worth in eRepublik?

Each region borders another. Some regions thus border other nations. A region thus provides access to other countries for the sake of declaring wars both Campaigns and Natural Enemy. They also serve to strategically lock other regions from direct attack... other than an Air Strike to which no region is immune.

What is a region worth in eRepublik?

Each region is worth 10 Congress Member seats until you own 4. They then gain you 1 seat for every region you own after 40. It can liberally argued that each Congress seat is worth 5G to the economy, but usually less since Gold is seldom converted to currency for local purchases. Nevertheless, a citizen that gains usually creates knock-on benefits.

What is a region worth in eRepublik?

Some people assign real-life loyalty to a particular region because of how it is named in a roleplay expression of patriotism.

What is a region worth in eRepublik?

What does owning a specific region mean to you?

Amandla, Awethu. Power to the people.

TL😉R"The secret ingredient to my secret ingredient soup is…", his father told him, "nothing".
"You just have to believe it's special to make it special"