Re: War on Ireland

Day 1,586, 20:28 Published in Canada Canada by Funky 24

As much of a surprise the Irish-UK peace treaty was, the NE proposal by our Country President Acacia Mason on Ireland is completely ludicrous.

If the NE were to go through and we attack, we would lose the majority of our MPPs and undoubtedly bring the (negative) attention of our allies back on us for a second time.

Now I know Ireland has been a constant distraction for eCanada for a long time, but a peace treaty would end that theater. An NE is unequivocally inappropriate. We are not the arbitrators of the UK's and Ireland's relationship.

I've been really disappointed with our Country President. The failure to communicate properly with the public, the old-time hostility toward the CAF, the failure to persecute the EPC and the messing around with a referendum have all been sticking points for me and my party. I don't envy the situation, but a little more tact and less hot-headed reactions would have been nice.

The impeachment vote underway will either give us another week of an under-pressure CP or Rolo.

Choose wisely Congress.

eIrish media:

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