Re: Sperry Quits

Day 1,654, 18:48 Published in Canada Canada by Funky 24

It never rains when it can pour. EPIC member and Country President Sperry has decided to cut back on eRepublik completely and in immediate fashion. As a Boomer, I can say this doesn't surprise me, seeing enough CPs whittle away like this, as well as watching Sperry's activity go up and down since he joined this game.

For what it's worth, he did not turn out like his three bumbling EPIC predecessors, but rather set the same standard as he did during his first term. Using stellar communication skills to guide everyone along, I for one appreciated his efforts at taking the teeth off of the Supreme Court, enabling it to be dismantled at a later date when people no longer want to fill the role in a shadow of formerly interesting institution, as well as calling out the leaders of EDEN for what they are. His war accomplishments were once again mediocre, failing to get us into a new war and letting our oil go.

This leaves either our VP Eric Last or MDP PP Connor MacLeod as our new President and his master Rylde as the next presumptive CP, seeing as there are no other contenders, announced or suspected. The only way Rylde doesn't become CP depends on what the EPIC PP does with two days left.

I'm ready for wild Rylde!