Q on KQ

Day 1,622, 19:17 Published in Canada Canada by Funky 24

What's the measure of determining if an eCanadian Country President has been good for eCanada or not? Is it how many regions we've gained, kept or loss? Is it our standing with our allies in the meritocracy that is International Relations? Ability to provide leadership over domestic troubles? A good handle on finance? Simply communicating with enough frequency to the public?

So let’s examine the Kronos Q Presidency that ran the February-March 2012 term. Communication wise, Kronos Q was decent enough, writing 9 articles over the course of 30 days.

What were the issues a couple of months ago? The Kronos Presidency oversaw Congress’ first attempt at pardoning Rolo Tahmasee. The vote passed but Kronos vetoed it, despite pledging to let Congress do as it wants, citing a lack of discussion on the conditions of the pardon. When Congress again voted to “pardon” Rolo by a smaller margin of one vote, Kronos refused to veto this time.

Under Kronos, there was a botched invasion of Denmark, giving only a small window for eCanada to help keep the UK wiped for Congressional elections, which we did. Our relationship with our allies was maintained, our financial affairs were handled adequately and Kronos spent a good deal of effort training his crew of Vice-Presidents.

With this summary of Kronos Q’s term, how does he measure up? I would use the word poor. Nothing really changed during the immediate tenure of Kronos Q. It’s the effects that lagged on after the Presidency that showed the real nature of what Kronos meant for eCanada.

Prior to Kronos we had MOO CP Addy Lawrence. The signature of the predecessor to the current EPIC dynasty was his involvement in Congressional affairs. The budget was well thought out under Addy and was a focal point for his presidency. Addy would constantly explain his views of keeping the import taxes to a minimum and the income tax low. Executive orders were frequent. Our standing in the alliance was advanced greatly and regions were gained in both the US and UK. Rolo was first a partner to the MOO CP, before being publicly called out by Addy for the PTO of MOO and dealings with the Romulans.

Under Kronos the budget became secondary. Though it was looked after, we see now how the lack of any sort of economic ideology has left eCanada in the dark on how to deal with funding MUs and how to plan our treasury. Taxes are changed on the whim of grandstanding Congress members, as CPs see no reason to not “let Congress do as it wants.” CPs cannot do much to attain their promises if they do not push the legislative, otherwise continuity of policies and steps taken will be forced to restart every 6th of the month. The hopes CPs give in their campaign articles now falter from the lack of any Executive push, leaving angry citizens such as the EPC or the ones fleeing where they can get the TP medal who see their gov’t as a failure.

Kronos also set the trend for us to lose (again) our standing in the international arena. In the eUK we let slip that we can’t handle anything beyond a divided eUK anymore after invading Denmark and losing several eUK regions. Such a message gives doubts to our allies, doubts which become manifest during periods where our side is in decline. I confess to not know a lot about what is communicated, but I can guess that these doubts were not re-assured ahead of time. Just like the EPC threat was not planted in the heads of our allies as being anti-EDEN/TERRA.

Our allies today view us through the prism that the EPC has given to them, the narrative being that this is a country where we appease our criminals and are unpredictable partners. The nature of the Norsefire problem had not changed with the second Congressional “pardon”. The two votes were not different in any significant way. The only thing that changed was the logic of the CP. At first the logic was to be laissez-faire with the issue. Then KQ decided the issue needed more time. Then KQ decided that such a stance was too much for a CP, politically resigning the Executive from anything to do with Norsefire whatsoever. Nothing since has gotten better of course, in eCanada or with our allies who now act on our borders without our consent.

Disengaged and non-ideological. Some call that adequate, relative to the degradation we see around us, though it started with the first of the three EPIC Presidencies.

(tinyurl: http://tinyurl.com/cxag5gb )

Seven Tenets of the Canadian Progressive Front
1. Uphold the equality of all active Military Units
2. Make the accounting of government funding more open and important
3. Enhance our place in EDEN and TERRA
4. To respect, recognize and uphold the supremacy of the mechanics of the game
5. Develop a positive political sphere
6. Bring in Canadians to eRepublik
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy, by making forever available credit and bursaries to the general public

- Funky Hum24n, Canadian Progressive Front Party President.
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Your Re-Introduction to the Canadian Progressive Front, Part 1
Your Re-Introduction to the Canadian Progressive Front, Part 2
CPF Update Oct. 22