Puppy and Anna

Day 1,402, 05:38 Published in Indonesia Armenia by Gagak Rimang

I was drinking my first morning...coffe and as people would say:,,Butter wouldn't melt in your mouth''.By the morning,you could see that this day is going to be very hot,so that meant that my first coffe,from the introduction,wasn't going to be the last one.I had a good feeling that this day will be special,maybe too hot for my taste,but with a couple of good friends,entertainment and talk can be just perfect.While minding my own bussiness,as usual,i was planning to spend the rest of the day with some relaxed music,drink and sun.

Almost from nowhere,she appeard,wonderful,so perfect,young and beautiful,glowing almost stonger then the sun,.Wearing a white summer dress,with her wonderful,long hair,she was walking towards me.To me she looked better then National Bank of eSerbia before Lukaz's departure.Only when sun's light passed her beautiful face,I recognized her.We knew each toher from before,but only the lucky ones had the possibility to approach and meet her.Those were the happy times,when she still had trust and understanding for me and my acts.Many people knew her by nick she uses on chat,I was maybe the only one who called her by her name,that was Wilhemina.

On the first view,such an amazing girl,with melodius voice,beautiful eyes,no one even suspected that behind her were several wars,important battles and medals.She was always dominant,'murderous',a true woman warrior.We spent the whole day talking about great memories of those 'happy times',each of those special event was etched in our hearts.We also talked about plans and things that were coming.I had no idea what sort of informations am I going to hear!
Meanwhile many things have happened.I found out that eMontenegrians bravely won a victory against their enemy.Joy and celebration of warriors weren't even possible to describe,the feeling was enchanting.Finally the conquered one new region,first victory after long and hard preparations and trainings.She fought hard,as always.From her story,I found out that she took the place of her eFather,as Military Unit leader.And also that the current president proposed her to run for the next elections.
She talked all in one breath,so passionatly,with joy in her eyes and will as I have never seen.Suddenly,she stopped.We looked at each other quietly for few seconds.I knew there's was something else.Quite unexpectedly,on my surprise she anounced that she got eMarried.

Her eHusband,puppetmaster,member of eIndonesian community,also of Front ePancasila Party and Military Unit 'Armada Garuda'.Just a very good guy.I wanted to know all about their eLove,how did it all happened and so,becouse almost no It was one of those secret weddings,only for close friends and family members. Completely separated from the rest of the world,on the top of the mountain they said to each other that well familiar:''Yes!''I had many questions,although I didn't get the answersi wanted to know. So on the way,I asked her couple of questions. Like how was the wedding ceremony like,and who were all the quests? The famous red flag with proud eagle was set high above them.There were all the people by her side that she loved,her eFather 3latko,godfather IvanNiksic,and godmother Slobica. Puppet's friend and family came from far away to celebrate with them.
They met in eIndonesia during wars in Australia,one month ago,and the rest is history.
That was all I wanted to know,i wished them luck and continued on....

By Svjedok Samoubistva