Presidential Update

Day 2,373, 20:36 Published in India India by Calvinhobbes

Dear eIndians

Despite best efforts, we have not been able to get friends over here in eIndia and have thus been denied congress and stability again and again.

After much effort and negotiations, we were able to reach a NAP agreement with Croatia, which had ensured us peace and stability and left us free to help our long time friends and allies. Sadly admins had different plans and by giving Argentina double the influence, they allowed them to AS over eIndian regions and wipe out Croatia. Initially they showed inclinations for reconciliation, but once croats had left they refused for any negotiations on the pretext that eindia had fought with the croats against Argentina (they knew we had to do that as per our NAP with Croatia). Today they have let 2 regions out to Thailand and are making way for other allies to come here.

We are a small nation but have a large country to defend. Despite our weaknesses we have our strengths. We have always have kept our word (which I can’t say for most people and most nations), we have stood with our friends and they have stood with us.

So what I ask u now is irrespective of the outcome, let us play to our strengths. Stand by our word, defend the nation with what we have and support our friends where they need us (and I promise u they will come to our support).
Prepare for battle and may the best one win.

Jai hind
CP eIndia

PS : I have written this article to put the eIndian perspective and it is not meant to hurt or harm any nation or player, who has done what he thinks best for his nation.