Presidential Update

Day 2,352, 12:06 Published in India India by Calvinhobbes

Greetings fellow eIndians,

It is high time for an update of what’s going on.
We started with lot of promises of which we have been able to fulfill some and still working on others.

Government revenues
The gold earned in the National Shield has been invested in wrm companies (with ash) and the rest is invested in MM. in addition we have about 30 gold coming from the congress. The revenues from these investment will be used to approx earn 40K(variable) which would be good enough to fund 4 MPPs per month.

We continue to retain the same structure of IAF being the core of our military. Bharmal has been doing a remarkable job of organizing battle of the week, the idea being to coordinate our limited dmg to the most affect. I hope as the exams get over, you will take the opportunity to fight hard for the prizes on offer.

Croatia and India signed a NAP after prolonged deliberations and negotiations. This ushers in peace at our borders and allows us to offer our damages to our allies and the alliance aurora.

We were able to finalise the MPP with Macedonia and should be able to sign in another 3 MPPs soon. We continue on our efforts to join Aurora and most countries have been positive towards our proposal.

A special thanks goes to our ambassador team of isengard(who brought back life into this program) and Asmitha.

Internal Affairs
Ananth was able to organse a Lok Sabha, which surprisingly turned out to be very similar to our RL Lok Sabha. There were important gov representatives missing (like me the CP), there was all round ruckus and the speaker was at a total loss. Hopefully next time we will have it more organized and get some work done.

Baby boom -My appeal to bring in atleast one friend each did not evoke much of a response and we ended up having a lesser population than we started. Although I believe the loss of pop was probably multies anyways

Internal activity remained poor because of exams and ananth falling sick.

I believe I have covered most of what we did and where we failed. My special thanks to the cabinet which was active and stepped in wherever I failed.



CP of eIndia 5th April to 4th May 2014

Cabinet – Lysander Spooner, Obelisk, ash, Ayush, asmitha, Bharmal, Real Steel, ananth, Reborn from the ashes and timberjack