Presidential Closure

Day 2,388, 20:59 Published in India India by Calvinhobbes

Hi guys,

Thanks for electing me for two successive terms. Through the turmoil that hit eIndia during my term, I tried to do my best. I am putting down whatever little that could be achieved this term and hope the successive CP, does a better work of things left uncompleted.


With no more than one region under gov control (except briefly), taxes have been kept low and hence revenues from taxes were almost negligible. Our investments from earnings from the gold invested in wrm factories and MM remain steady. All the congressmen paid up last term, and hopefully present congress will do the same.

Foreign Affairs

The invasion of Argentina and allies has left our FA in shatters and all the work done to bring about the India-Croatia NAP came to nought. Friendly gestures were extended from Canada and Argentina. While Canadian NAP has been signed, we need to still work things out with Argentina.

Relationships with MKD still continue to remain strong, and Bulgarian CP was extremely active for India. Phantom and Don Croata continue to engage with us in a regular dialogue.

Regretfully we could not get into Aurora, despite remaining pro-aurora.


Cabinet and congress was pretty active for the first term, but soon it lost its steam and I had difficulty get differing opinions. Lysander was amazing in offering opinions on most of the stuff and helping tons. Obelisk was at his critical best and gave an opposing perspective. Asmitatheone continued to contribute regularly. Real steel kept the media forever active (despite his ban) and has been active In behind the doors diplomacy, so has been Sansaptak De. The much sought after increase in the eindian population remained as ever elusive.

there are some promising players on the horizon without naming each of them, i wish them luck

In these difficult times I am handing over the baton to Lysander Spooner who is a cool and experienced head at steering the nation. Hopefully we will make bigger strides under his presidential term.

Please feel free to comment or criticize anything you feel strongly about, will help me next time I decide to take the plung again 😛.

CP eIndia (April-May 2014)
PS : Don’t forget to thank and blame Reborn From The Ashes, who nudged me into this job. I will take any credits and he can take all the blame. 😛