OWL ARMY report day 2045

Day 2,045, 15:24 Published in Belarus Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

An image is worth more than 1000 words:

Only 7 fighters and TOP 6 in eSpain \o/

Are you a D3 or D4 fighter? Are you an active player? do you like having fun? Are you a TWO soldier? Are you looking for a MU with many DOs so it can also help both your MM and TP?

Well, don’t look any further! Join OWL ARMY! We are recruting!

We are a recently founded MU with HQ in eSpain, at the moment we are usually ranked among the top MUs in eSpain by damage with only 6 members. If the MU keeps growing we will create Junior Owls for D1 and D2 players.

We will only fight for TWO and the pro-TWO countries, and sometimes a low prio battle for a non ally country among the other DOs for the MM progress.

In order to join write a PM to either cCcNUEVEOCHOcCc, Miigueez or Soloks and we will discuss your admission. If you need CS we can try to vouch you.

Hail OWL ARMY o7
Hail TWO o7

Buuuh Buuuh

Signed, Commander:

Signed, 2nd Commander:

Signed, Recruiter:

eRS edition: http://www.erepublik.com/es/article/owl-army-report-day-2045-2282525/1/20