One Q to Rule Them All

Day 1,607, 09:59 Published in Canada Canada by Funky 24

Don't you wish your PP was hot like me?

The last month was an interesting one for the Canadian Progressive Front. We've shown that we are now a competitor for the Top 5 and can field serious contenders for the Presidency. We've also revived our own paramilitary, the Praetors, which is now a fully functioning MU thanks to the efforts and sacrifices of Wilhelm Gunter

Despite the tempatations of the EPC and Norsefire, we choose our own course. Terrorism and blatant bribery has no credibility with us, whatever the intentions are. We don't believe devoting ourselves to militarism, as that belongs to the MUs. We don't believe in the anti-politcal nature of our largest party, but rather choose to craft an image for eCanada that people can aspire to help create. Politics is for pushing for the ideals you think will help create a better eCanada, and for achieving security and prosperity for the nation.

The Canadian Progressive Front has been what keeps this game interesting for me. The scene today in eCanada is one of division and lack of direction. For some, they are oblivous to consequences of only two-clicking or focusing either gold hunting or the hideously boring aspect of fighting. I want to keep the CPF as the party for those who want concrete action and real plans for returning eCanada to its rightful place in the game.

On April 15, vote Funky.

Article Recap
Funky Hum24n:
Re: Congressional Articles
Re: War on Ireland
CPF Achieves 300% in Congressional Elections
CPF Votes Tomorrow for a CP Nominee!
CPF's CP Nomination Results (and my thoughts on stuff)
On This Day: April 5
{CPF Tenet} Uphold the Equality of All Active Military Units!

[Expedition Arcacia] Epilogue: A Requiem for Dicoveries Unearthed

Crisis and Reaction
Eden and eCanada Comparisons
Irish Problems and Exiles
CP Campaign: Opening Remarks
Sara for CP(2); The Pardon Debate and the Law
Of Terrorism and Referendums
An Open Letter to Sasha
Terrorism and the Loss of the Law
The Descent to a Corruptocratic Dictatorship and Other Matters
A Call To EPC
Shock Announcement
Serious Article: Reform Without Organisation

Wilhelm Gunter:
A Statement from a United Empire Loyalist
We're Back.
Building up our Nation through the Media: A Contest
Building up our Nation through the Media: A Contest [Extended]
Building up our Nation through the Media: A Winner

Seven Tenets of the Canadian Progressive Front
1. Uphold the equality of all active Military Units
2. Make the accounting of government funding more open and important
3. Enhance our place in EDEN and TERRA
4. To respect, recognize and uphold the supremacy of the mechanics of the game
5. Develop a positive political sphere
6. Bring in Canadians to eRepublik
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy, by making forever available credit and bursaries to the general public

- Funky Hum24n, Canadian Progressive Front Party President.
- Join our party.
- Join us at our forum.
- Our IRC Channel is #nCPF
- CPF Wiki Page
- The Praetors, the CPF's official affiliated Military Unit
Your Re-Introduction to the Canadian Progressive Front, Part 1
Your Re-Introduction to the Canadian Progressive Front, Part 2
CPF Update Oct. 22