OMS Shutdown?

Day 1,598, 12:12 Published in USA USA by Yui MHCP001

You idiots.

You are shutting down what is the very reason why we win all our battles?

You are making MU's become a branch of the military, which loses freedom?

Are you serious?

Just recently, Admin raised the Donate cap to 400k.
That's wonderful, since we can increase our budget

But you just want to cut OMS, and have MU;s join the USAF, just to decrease the budget?

I even recall the EC putting OMS into the recent budget recommendation!

And I quote...

I. Executive
Line U1. MPP Costs $ 80,000 ( 6.53😵
Line U2. Infrastructure $ 120,000 ( 9.80😵
II. Defense
Line U3. Armed Forces $ 700,000 (57.14😵
Line U4. OMS $ 275,000 (22.45😵
III. Interior
Line U5. Dept. of Int. $ 50,000 ( 4.08😵
IV. Treasury
Line U6. Reserve $ N/A


Right there
See it?
Do you?
It's there.
So why should it be cut?

If you want to decrease the budget, get rid of the Infrastructure crap.

For those of you who don't know what it is...

"In addition, we incorporated an idea put forth in last month's budget thread. We are recommending congress add a new budget line to the budget. We're calling it "Infrastructure". The idea behind this is to make a budget line which would go to the POTUS who would then decide what to build with these funds. These funds are only to be spent on new/upgrading factories or land or storage..."

Get rid of it, it doesn't need to be done.

The OMS is what provides our Military Units with Food, Weapons, and RM to make those. And that Food and Weapons is what gets our battles won everyday

So why cut it?

We need Food.
We need Weapons.
We need RM
