OG Thursday #1 Featuring Henry Pfeiffer Arundel

Day 3,186, 21:53 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

Lets judge players based on their favorite songs of the week. For example we know that Hadrian X is white. Why you will have to wait until the end of the article.

Henry Pfeiffer Arundel
You go girl!

Yui MHCP001
Figures that a closeted gay weeaboo like musicals, but thats okay cause I love musicals. Not every musical has one of your favorite rappers,Daveed Diggs.

Wooky Jack


At this point in the summer, I've been doing a lot of driving and in the interest of saving data on my phone, I've resorted to listening to radio. Thankfully, my area has a great station for hip-hop and rap, and they play pretty much what I would listen to on my own. J. Cole, Drake, Beyonce, Big Sean, that sort of stuff.

Right now, I'm actually in a weird place musically. Usually, I get obsessive about a song or a genre, but because of my flow with the radio, nothing's really hit me in the way that lights a fire at other times of the years. But aside from my love of artists like Kendrick's coming on, the one song I always crank up and roll to has gotta be the one probably a lot of other people are rocking it to, and that's without a doubt the most fire track of 2016: Panda." Aramec

Finally someone who is cool! enough said!

Melissa Rose
That was so beautiful. I cried a little bit to be honest.

Hadrian X
Eminem was invented so white people can like hip hop with out being called out by the secret council of racist white people they are all part of. At least Hadrian is not on crack for white people.