Official Announcement from the eBelgian Forum Team

Day 2,288, 09:00 Published in Belgium Belgium by MCKitkat
This is an official statement by the eBelgian Forum Administrators and Moderators hereby referred to as Forum Team

Dear citizens,

During the last months, accusations have arrosen that a number of eBelgian citizens have been or are banned from the eBelgian forums. We have indirectly been accused of discrimination against that specific group of citizens.

We would like to clarify that the accusations are inconsistant and don't follow the truth.

In fact, only one citizen is officially banned from the eBelgian forums, the citizen being shadowukcs.

The above mentionned member of our community was not banned because of his involvment in the Political Take Over situation but banned due to breaking the forum rules.
We found out that he was using multi-accounts on the forums to avoid a short duration ban after he broke the rules.

A warning of a lifelong ban was given by the Forum Team after one of the Multi-Accounts was found. The user did not listen and was caught again, which caused the aforementionned ban.

No other user has been banned from the forum, so the users who have been accusing us have full access to the forum, except the parts that require the Citizen Mask.

The following citizens have been stripped of their Citizen Mask, thus making them unable to write in the above mentionned parts:
Aries Sun
Thorin II Oakenshield
Texas Cowboy X
donkey Pedro
Nick Nolte 2

For more information please refer to this page:

The Forum Team wishes to inform everyone that the forum rules are there to be followed and respected. If those rules are infringed, the Forum Team will act accordingly and give out warnings and/or punishments.
Each warning is saved on a special thread only available to the forum team, so we can control who got a warning and why he got one.

The forum rules can be found here:


The Forum Team