NueveOcho's News #1

Day 2,138, 14:17 Published in Belarus Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

Well, after like 4 or 5 months without doing serious press I guess is time to write a good article 😛
Today I have an interview with Eugene Just II, and a small analysis about the TWO vs CoT war and some eBelarusian inner affairs 🙂
I hope you enjoy this article and expect more to come!

Dedicated to eSouth Korea for making the smart decision of leaving CoT \o/

TWO vs CoT war analysis:
eMontenegro was able to recover all their core regions from eAlbania, eMontenegro will likely attempt to invade eAlbania’s cores to get 2 more bonuses.
eSerbia has conquered Aquitaine returning to their full-bonus status.
eSpain was able to close both the eMexican front and the eFrench front, so now they can get all their damage in a single front vs eUSA.
eRussia was able to save their congress “in extremis” in a successful RW vs eUSA in Far Eastern Siberia.
In TWO, all countries but eAustria, eAustralia and eNew Zealand were able to have congress, meanwhile in CoT all countries but eBulgaria, eSwitzerland and eSouth Korea (who recently left the alliance) have congress too.

eBelarus News
The Serbian MU La Fuerza has decided to move to eBelarus. This MU spent 9 months in eChile, until Calois destroyed the good relationships that La Fuerza and Chile had. I hope they enjoy their time in eBelarus!
This month we have a 40-members congress and for the last days we were able to get the Aluminium bonus to boost our weapons production a 20%.

Europe with Polandballs 😃

Crna Gora beats Albania

Well, today we have an interview with current eBelarus Country President Eugene Just II 🙂

For how long have you been playing eRepublik?

since Ferbuary 4th, 2011. I was two-clicking a lot during 2012 and during summer 2013 🙂

When you joined the game eBelarus was added to the or tou had ro register in a different eCountry?

A friend of mine recommended me to join this game after Belarus was added to eRepublik. It was the time when we struggled against PTO from Polish side and while trying to have as much congress seats as it was possible. So any new player was very valuable.

Which one would you consider eBelarus' main strenght?

Unity and trust. Sometimes for people of eBelarus trust is something like being naive.
From RL there's one more aspect - our native language unites us, we're trying to speak Belarusian almost e-everywhere. So that in RL Belarusian becomes more and more popular

You translated the game to Belarusian, do you think this helped eBelarus to grow it’s community?

My team of translators did all best to create a new localisation of eRepublik.
I hope yes, it helps a lot to those who speak Belarusian in RL. Actually it's very big step for our country. As you could notice the number of Belarusian people who love our native language has increased a lot.

Which countries do you consider eBelarus closest friends?

Friendship between e-countries fully depends on friendship between players of different countries.

Lithuania, because we have good relations since 2012. We struggled a lot, fought against each other a lot, so it's really great to be friends right now.

Poland, one of the main partners of TWO alliance, as well as a country players of which can bring fun and help you a lot.

India. They are very united nation in game. Our ex-ambassador to India - Iprophet - made a lot of effort to set new level of our relations. So despite the fact that we didn't have good MoFA cabinet during previous month we still are friends.

Of course I can tell more and more about such countries as Spain, Serbia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary etc. We all are friends. Some of these countries are new friends, some - rather old.

How would you describe in a few words TWO, ONE, CoT, EDEN and Terra?

TWO and CoT are two main power alliances that struggle between each other all the time. I think there always will be wars, and actually it's great for game.

ONE used to be united for some period of time but because of internal conflicts this alliance came to end.

EDEN was the most organised inion ever and Belarus was a proud member of EDEN. In EDEN we became more independent, we regained our regions. It's sad to know that EDEN is extinct specie of alliances 🙁

TERRA, or former PANAM, was a good union of USA, Brazil, Argentina and such well-organised countries as Germany, UK, Chile. I cannot say much about Terra but from what I've heard about this union.. they were strong and always helped each other, their HQ team was one of the best. We all have heard about Vanek, Oblige, dermont, OdDkId, etc.

Which countries would you like to see in TWO?

Ukraine and India

Who do consider eBelarus’ best and worse CP?

Worst CP... I haven't heard about any) Maybe those Polish guys who PTOed belarus and stole huge sum of money from the treasury
and best CP... For me is either Poltavets Aleksej or Green4x. They contributed a lot to our community, made us more organised and brought a lot of interest to the game.

How do you think eBelarus could improve it's military power?

I hope that first steps of improvement are done already. We have mobile fighters and it's great. I hope more people will join BMF

Favorite meal?

Draniki and pancakes, pies and fruit salads

Football team?

Bate Borisov, Manchester United and Real Madrid

Vodka or Beer?

hedgehog's milk xd

Favorite book?

Bulgakov - master and Margarita

A song you like?

Poets of the Fall - Dying to live, Connels - 74-75, Bomfunk MC's - Freestyler, Linkin Park - My december, Creed - Rain, Bon Jovi - Have a nice day

Why a Hedgehog as avatar?

They're so cute and my nick in Belarusian is pronounced like "a hedgehog"

Which country would you like to visit?

Spain and Japan

Anything else you want to say to my readers?

I would like to invite those Belarusians who live e-abroad to come back)
Best wishes to everyone and thanks 🙂

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Polandballs, interviews, tits and Putin