Day 1,207, 07:29 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by p0luks

To pisem za vse novince ki delate nove misije ki vam prinesejo 75 strenghta!


Tales of Bravery

Charge into the heart of the battle, defeat your country's natural enemies and live to tell the tale.

Note: This mission is only available between days 1,204 and 1,211 of the New World.

* Defeat 15 opponents in the war against your country's Natural Enemy (Unlock: 99 Gold)
* Fight for 3 days in a row (Unlock: 49 Gold)
* Have 3 Gold in your account

Check who is your Natural Enemy in the Military stats (link to Country > Military) on your Country page then fight in a battle against your Natural Enemy.

* +75 Strength
* +750 Military rank

Glede te misije bi rad predvsem povdaru da mejte v mislih da boste za vsak novi rank dobili 100 wellnesa back torej izkoristite to in boste tako lazje premagali 15 nasprotnikov, saj boste zaradi tega imeli 8 fighthov vec. Torej ko se priblizujete novemu cinu glejte da boste bili na cim manjsem wellnesu 😁