Ninjas are sneaky!

Day 1,239, 06:09 Published in Canada Israel by cyber ninja

Hello eCanada! The Canadianinjas are still open for applications. We are the sneakiest players on erepublik. You never know when they're doing a top secret mission. What I would like to say to that is:
Ninja Kick!

Anyway, down to business. It isn't an official erepublik group until I get enough gold. So you don't have to leave your military unit. I will give you 10 CAD every week. I will also give you 20 CAD as soon as you join. There will also be missions. This is how they work:
1. I PM some Canadianinjas(members of CNG) the mission and donate their supplies.
2. They complete their mission.
3. They Report back to me.
It's easy to join, and it's a free deal! PM me your application.
Here is what you should have on your application:
1. Military Rank
2. Why I should accept
3. A link to your profile

You don't have to leave your current MU to join. So join today!