Ninja Recruiting

Day 1,235, 16:05 Published in Canada Israel by cyber ninja

I am making something similar to a military unit.It's going to be calle😛 Canadian Ninja Group. It won't be an official erepublik group until I get enough gold. So you don't have to leave your military unit. I will give you 10 CAD every week. I will also give you 20 CAD as soon as you join. There will also be missions. This is how they work:
1. I PM all Canadianinjas(members of CNG) the mission and donate their supplies.
2. They complete their mission.

You can apply by PMing me. I will keep track of the members on my computer. I will either accept or decline your application.

Things you should have on the application:
1. Military Rank
2. Why I should accept
3. A link to your profile

Thank you for reading. I will make it a military unit as soon as I can. Thank you!