New feature; Loans.

Day 2,546, 21:12 Published in USA USA by Yui MHCP001

I've tried to do it.

I've tried to suggest it.

What do I have to do to get it implemented?

The start of the Loan System, V1.0

Lion Loans V2.0

The small success of Lion Loans...

...and the large failures of Lion Loans (Not enough money)

Lion Loans v3.0

After V3.0, it died out and hasn't been revived since. I have tried to get the idea into enough people's heads so its implemented officially...

But nothing seems to work.

Especially in this bad (compared to before) economy, a Loan Business or system would be beneficial to most people, especially new players that can borrow money to get themselves further quicker.

People say that repayment can't be guaranteed. This is true with a user-made Loan business, but I had great success in doing it myself (80% repayment rate, which is great for having no safeguard to ensure re-payment.

People also say that even if this was a game mechanic, payment still couldn't be guaranteed, like if they go bankrupt in the re-payment period. The "simple" solution would to garnish the loanee's wages (take 10-25% of their wage and/or sales to repay the loaner)

Sure it sounds complicated, but it could be easily worked out.

So what's so wrong with it?

Please tell me, because I'm not seeing it.

Over and out
