Day 1,154, 05:54 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by p0luks
Natural Enemy is a law that can be used to define the most hated enemy of your country. Every country can have only one natural enemy chosen. Both congress and president can propose it.

Setting natural enemy

A country may only declare another as its natural enemy if they share a common border. Natural Enemy can be chosen by proposing and voting a law. This law is the first law that can be proposed both by Country President and Congressmen. They can chose among a list of the neighboring countries.

When the proposal is accepte😛

* a free war will be opened between the countries
* citizens of the declaring country will get +10% bonus while fighting against natural enemy (😉

* This does not affect to the rank points gain.

It's not possible to sign a peace treaty with your natural enemy. Once the natural enemy is set, it can't be changed during the next 7 days. After 7 days has passed, the current natural enemy can be changed or unset. If you unset the natural enemy, the citizens of your country won't get the +10% bonus anymore. If you want, you can set new natural enemy right after unsetting it.

The law is voted by the congress and president as all normal laws. However the natural enemy proposals require a super majority, or 66% of the votes to pass.

Q: Is Natural Enemy mutual? If Country A declares Country B as Natural Enemy, does it mean that Country B also has Country A as Natural Enemy?

A: No, Natural Enemy is not mutual, unless the two countries involved don’t declare themselves Natural Enemies. So, it could happen that Country A has Country B as Natural Enemy and Country B has Country C as Natural Enemy. In this case, all citizens with Country A citizenship will have 10% War influence Bonus in the war against Country B, while citizens with Country B citizenship will have no bonus in the same war. Citizens with Country B citizenship will have 10% War influence bonus in the war against Country C.

Q: Can my country be chosen as Natural Enemy by more than one country simultaneously?

A: Yes, a country can be chosen as Natural Enemy by more than one country at the same time.

Q: Will I be able to unset my Natural Enemy?

A: Yes, when proposing a Natural Enemy law, one option is to cancel your current Natural Enemy. But this can be done only after 7 days since you originally set you Natural Enemy.

Q: Will Natural Enemy bonus apply also to allies?

A: No, Natural Enemy bonus is not applied to allies in any way.

Q: What happens if there is already a war against Country B, and there are two laws in the same time, one declaring peace to Country B and another one proposing Country B as Natural Enemy?

A: If peace is voted before Natural Enemy, the war will be initially closed, and then reopened for free as the result of Natural Enemy declaration. If Natural Enemy is being accepted before peace, peace will be automatically rejected.

Naj se dopolnim; Vojne med drzavama ki sta v taki vojni je konec lahko na vec nacinov;

1. Podpiseta premirje
2. Ena podjarmi drugo, se pravi ena v celoti zbrise drugo
3. Z uporabo RWjev (ko drzava zgubi stik z drzavo s katero je naravni sovraznik - recimo da bi bli naravni sovraznici Poljska in Franicja in bi nemcija z RWjih osvojila vse svoje dezele francija pa poljske pod svojo okupacijo bi se naravni sovraznik zbrisal)

Dokler se to ne zgodi bo vojna trajala v nedogled in sicer po pravilu inicijative. Trenunto ima inicijativo Italija in bo napadala dokler ne izgubi bitke, ko jo izgubi bomo napadali spet mi.

Torej obetamo si lahko zmago v obrambi in ponoven pohod na italjane .... spet tja do Rima 😁

osebno imam rajsi da 5 dni mi zmagujemo pa pol 2 dni zgubljamo kot obratno 😁
