National Newspaper

Day 823, 00:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association


NNA roundup under the media team :

Tom Morgan
Steve Steinbeck
Da Gamer

Now to articles worthy of a mention,

No Primeministers article of the week....

Back next week

UKs reaction to the news

[PM]Week 2 - The War Rages On...

[War]Difference Between Smart and Brave

[V2]Looking forward to V2, I Think

[MoFA] Peace in our time

Resignation and Retirement

[MoHA] Eden are leaving. What are the terms of this withdrawal?

[MoHA] Monarch Week!

MoHA Paper

MoW Paper

Dish discusses with

Johnobrow Dadds

Resigning as UK MoD

Marines head to London !


The US hears the news

[RFA] Indiekid; Well 70md II got too many votes for my liking

TUP Paper

FDP Paper

RFA Paper

BEP Paper

PCP Paper

UKRP Paper

PP's get your Party articles to us and we
may include them in the next issue.

With the onset of peace

Yanks show us thier good side.

Euro Anglo Trading Co eCricket League

Yorkshire Evening Post

The Brummagem Queaen

Manchester Gazette

Press for London

The Norn Iron Tribune

Scottish Clan Council

East Midlands Gazette

Regional Papers PM any of the Team with your
articles and we'll include a few of the best

Swedes head Home

A Year and a Day.

170: Malta_1990 for Prime Minister of eUK

The Economist ~ How EDEN lost the War

Rob B recieves the FAIL ARTICLE of the week
(So bad he deleted it before the NNA went to press)

That's all the news we've got.

Horice and the team 🙂

Just one bit of business

and we're sorted !

Please vote and Subscribe

We will publish once a week so if you see anything worthy
of a mention let one of us know about it.


Just for fun....

King Jewitt shows us what we're missing
