National Newspaper

Day 815, 11:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association


The National Newspaper Association
would like to show it's appreciation,
to all those who take time to write
about erep happenings or where to fight,
we've only selected a few of the best
but still want to applaud all the rest,
So from the MoHA team

Tom Morgan
Steve Steinbeck
Da Gamer

Here's the best from all that we've seen.....

Starting with the Primeministers article of the week....

The Economist ~ US Hypocrisy

Congratz Iain for a great article

Jewitt's knickers are full of piss
I wouldn't normally tell you this
But the stain is spreading large and wide
And I'm not convinced it will stay inside.

Oops, now it's there for all to see
Slowly seeping towards his knee
Trickling downwards more and more
I fear it's almost reached the floor

All muscle control is now long gone
And the gushing flow goes on and on
The pool has now become a lake
Jewitt STOP for goodness sake!

Jewitt's face is as red as blood
Things haven't gone quite how they should
But the crisis point is safely past
And clean dry pants are in place at last

[V2]The Change in Gold Standard

[MoHA] Department for Players

MoHA Paper

MoW Paper

Updates from the front line

[Guide] What to do under invasion ~ please vote


[BEP] Party President Elections

TUP Paper

FDP Paper

RFA Paper

BEP Paper

PCP Paper

UKRP Paper

PP's get your Party articles to us and we
may include them in the next issue.

East of England Councillor Reports - #9

Euro Anglo Trading Co eCricket League

Come and Enjoy a Splendid Holiday In London

Regional Papers PM any of the Team with your
articles and we'll include a few of the best

To Ireland, and Dáil

The Economist ~ Why the Economy Module is Rubbish

[V2]Suggestion for More Realistic Gameplay

REVEALED - Why the USA is REALLY attacking

Never Give Up

[V2] wow im excited

George Barker recieves the
FAIL ARTICLE of the week

Dish says to London you must Go!
If not already moved why so Slow?
We're building a fortress there it is true
but someone is missing,is it you ?

Follow Boris and get yourself to London
Free moving tickets avaliable

That's all the news we've got.

Horice and the team 🙂

Please vote and Subscribe

We will publish once a week so if you see anything worthy
of a mention let one of us know about it.


Just for fun....

Starkle, starkle, little twink,
Who the hell you are I think.
I’m not under what they call
The alcofluence of incohol.

I’m not drunk as thinkle peep,
I’m just a little slort of sheep.
Tee martoonis make a guy
Fool so feelish, don’t know why.

Rally don’t know who’s me yet
The drunker I stay the longer I get
So just one more to full my cup,
I’ve all day sober to Sunday up!
