MoHA Pheonix News

Day 861, 09:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association


Starting with the big news

Yes it's true, Finland have been wiped out
by the 21 MPP'd tank that is Russia.

Picture taken from the Russian front line

According to the article in the title

"But why did Finland do this?
The Fins will tell you yes.
The answer really is EDEN Command will have pressured them to distract Russia
(and Phoenix nations)
while 'important' wars rage in Southern Europe."

Thats right, Finland commited suicide so that less attention
was focused on Spain's war, a ridiculous move at best.

Even the PHEONIX cat had a good chuckle

Seems nothing can go right for EDEN as people arrive for their urgent meeting

It seems

It seems that EDEN is cracking while PHEONIX stay strong. We are an alliance of friends, and they are an alliance of countries purely to counter us.

We may not be the most powerful country, but our allies can rely on us and we can rely on them.

Viva Argentina!
Viva Brazil!
Viva Bulgaria!
Viva Estonia!
Viva Germany!
Viva Hungary!
Viva Indonesia!
Viva Iran!
Viva Latvia!
Viva Lithuania!
Viva Portugal!
Viva Russia!
Viva Serbia!
Viva Slovenia!
Viva Turkey!
Viva United Netherlands!




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Da Gamer
James Woosh
Jimmy Cricket
Tom Bowden

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A PHOENIX article from the MoHA eh?