MoD statement about the death of the King

Day 3,979, 06:57 Published in Netherlands Iran by Janty F

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

based on the recent events considering the "king and the royal family", it is my duty as Minister of Defense to release a short public statement.

Even though I have never had a chance to meet the king personally, as I am the newcomer in this nation, I, of course, mourn the departure of the king, together with the rest of the government. However, even with that loss, we as a nation need to remain diligent, and we need to move past this tragic event to continue soaring the sky. Our past is important, but we live for the future, and we need to make sure the future of this nation remains bright.

As Minister of Defense, responsible for safety of our nation, I am glad the noble houses of Netherlands were able to quickly agree upon the successor of the departured king. I believe I speak for our beloved Country President, the head of the government and supreme commander of the Armed Forces of Netherlands according to the Dutch Constitution, when I say we are both thankful for peaceful and swift solution of this situation, and we are thankful conflicts have been avoided. The atmosphere across Europe is dark, the enemies might be looming near our borders, and therefore we need to exercise inner strength and unity, even in our own dark times!

Let me also ensure you, that the regiments of Dutch Armed Forces have been alerted by the government, and they will quickly respond to all problems or irregularities, which could endanger the safety of our citizens and the established legal order of our country. The regiments will be also participating in the royal funeral, as it is customary for our nation.

Thank you for reading this statement and thank you for keeping this country strong and safe!

Yours truly,

Janty F
Minister of Defense