MoD Department of Statistics and Strategy: Div 4

Day 5,767, 19:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence

Welcome to the last article from the MoD Department of Statistics and Strategy. This one will provide some stats on UK division 4 ground battles. I was expecting some spicy overhitting so dedicated a separate article to this division, turns out this wasn’t the case, so stopped at ~300 rounds instead of 500.


- Aid players in finding the best time to farm
- Identify issues/find optimal strategies
- Get Congress/Gov stats on UK TW’s to guide future TW strategies


I analysed 302 ground rounds - after the Tropical Heat weekly challenge - in an attempt to provide an average of what occurs in a typical UK div 4 round. Each BH on the UK side was recorded as,

- UK won
- TW Partner won
- Random won (winner not from UK or TW partner, essentially a missed farming opportunity and potential bounty)
- Empty (no player did damage)
- UK player overhit by random player (over 80m)
- UK player overhit by random player (under 80m)
- UK player overhit UK player (over 80m)

The time of each round was also recorded.



Unlike the other divisions, we have an optimal time to go for BH’s - midday til about 7pm and the early hours of the morning. Also, nearly every battle that starts in the early morning was taken by a random or empty. I included a BH Availability Score, a percentage based on the random and empty rounds divided by the total.

There were very few steals, the only legit over 80 million one from a foreigner being against TRE, so was probably some retribution, there was only one case of UK on UK action. guyviii of the air round article fame did manage a respectable four last-minute snipes of low damage BH attempts, 2 against UK players.


- Over 80m has a very low chance of being overhit
- If doing low damage watch the end of the battle

Divisions 1-3
Air rounds

On a personal note, it's been a fun month working for you Huey, I wish all the best for whatever you decide to do in the future.

Rory Winterbourne II
