MoD Department of Statistics and Strategy: Div 1-3

Day 5,759, 18:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence

Welcome to the second article from the MoD Department of Statistics and Strategy. This article will provide some stats on UK ground battles, focusing on Divisions 1 to 3. If you have any ideas of what you’d like the MoD to look into in the future let us know.


- Aid players in finding the best time to farm
- Identify issues/find optimal strategies
- Get Congress/Gov stats on UK TW’s to guide future TW strategies


I analysed 600 ground rounds, 200 per division, across 20 battles (pre Tropical Heat weekly challenge), in an attempt to provide an average of what occurs in typical UK div 1-3 rounds. Each BH on the UK side was recorded as,

- UK won
- TW Partner won
- Random won (winner not from UK or TW partner, essentially a missed farming opportunity and potential bounty)
- Empty (no player did damage)

The time of each round was also recorded.



As with Air rounds there appears to be no big correlation between the time of day and the most optimal time to go for medals. I included a BH Availability Score, a percentage based on the random and empty rounds divided by the total. I also did the average damage for each division with 30 BH’s from each.

I was planning on recording overhits in Division 1 but it's like the wild west in there, multiple UK players all going for the same medals with massively varied damage, and then the next rounds are empty. The are also very few times where UK players are hitting on both sides of the battle even when the other side is empty. I was quite surprised by the number of empty rounds in division 2, I was expecting the percentage of empty rounds to decrease as the BH gold increased.


- If you have low damage output, go for empty battles that are ending soon - use bazookas if strength is really low.
- If available go for BH’s on both sides of a battle, it costs the same amount of fuel.

Next up - Division 4
Previous - Air round analysis

Rory Winterbourne II