MoD Department of Statistics and Strategy: Air rounds

Day 5,748, 16:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence

Welcome to the first article from the MoD Department of Statistics and Strategy. This article will focus on UK air rounds, future articles will look at ground battles, If you have any ideas of what you’d like the MoD to look into in the future let us know.


- Aid players in finding the best time to farm
- Identify issues
- Get Congress/Gov stats on UK TW’s to guide future TW strategies
- Identify the utilisation of the Bounty Scheme


I analysed 505 Air rounds across 48 battles, the majority consecutively, in an attempt to provide an average of what occurs in a typical UK Air round. Each SH on the UK side was recorded as,

- UK won
- TW Partner won
- Random won (winner not from UK or TW partner, essentially a missed farming opportunity and potential bounty)
- Bounty (a UK player overhitting a person from a nation not belonging to the TW partner)
- Overhit (anyone overhitting a UK or TW partner player doing more than 20k damage, can be sniped in the last mins or overhit at any time during the round. Split into UK overhit, random overhit, and overhit TW partner.)

The time of each round was also recorded.



There appears to be no big correlation between the time of day and the most optimal time to go for medals. Between 10am to midday has more TW partner and random wins - an indicator of fewer UK players going for medals. The way the TW’s are set up the amount of rounds available drop off from 6pm to midnight then new battles are opened from 5am onwards - probably the most optimal time, if you're up early enough.

The bounty scheme seems underutilised, with UK players attempting ~13% of the available bountys. Possible fixes could include increased advertising or reward increases, Although a probable reason is that we have an excess of air rounds to fight in. Stolen medals are the biggest issue I can see but that can mostly be resolved with personal strategy changes.

Tips, or how to solve a problem like guyvii

- When you log in you appear online for 10mins, try and appear online as the medals you go for ends - the majority of medals are taken from offline players in the last mins of rounds.
- If you're on the lose side of a battle, try and do over 50% damage of the win side, otherwise, it’s easy for snipers to slide in and take the medal without turning the wall and causing the battle to end later.

Next up - ground battles

Rory Winterbourne II