Miyagiyoda for President

Day 2,085, 01:15 Published in South Africa South Africa by Miyagiyoda

All South Africans need to participate and work together to keep South Africa moving forward. This involves communicating and not just talking.

This comes by voicing an opinion.
This comes by actively participating in discussion.
This comes by trusting the outcome of an inclusive vote.

Do not just accept the status quo. We can be better.

South Africa needs to directly engage its allies or lose them.
South Africa needs to directly engage its citizens or alienate them.
South Africa needs to make hard choices and plan around them.

One nation. One path.

There are two kind of people in this country: those who sit back and wait for a collapsed state before considering a new path; and those who see the bus coming and try to take corrective action before we have to deal with a failed state. I strongly encourage you to move to the latter camp. The former only encourage inactivity and nihilism in a country that desperately needs to grow.

Vote for Miyagiyoda as President.

Be part of the solution instead of cheering on the problem.
Stand up and volunteer.
Actively participate.

Regardless of the outcome, I invite all other candidates into my cabinet and offer to serve in theirs. Standing for this job is enough testament that your heart is in the right place in my book. Its not for sissies.
I also invite anyone who feels strongly for South Africa to come participate in building a nation. Your party affiliation is secondary to your love for South Africa.

All governments build upon the success of all the previous governments. Good governments keep the good and whittle out the bad. Bad governments fail to learn or take advantage of others' successes. Let's keep moving forward. Let's keep learning. Let's keep improving.

Amandla, Awethu.
Power to the people.

Create your destiny.

TL😉RMiyagiyoda for President.