Miyagiyoda for President

Day 2,081, 05:33 Published in South Africa South Africa by Miyagiyoda

Know your history to avoid repeating it
I understand Russia went pear-shaped but not for the reason many think it did.

The primary issue made was the way Congress decided the deal. Put yourself in my shoes for a moment and understand why I did what I did. I opened a post in the Congress closed chambers to discuss the proposal. Zansi then suspended the forums in a FU to the community in an unrelated matter. I then took the same names who have access to Congress Closed Chambers, and opened an in-game thread instead to side-step the disruption on government business.

The thing I was thus crucified for was upholding the access permissions we have had in place for as long as I can remember instead of expanding it to people then considered PTOers and deviant by the community at the time. I seriously did consider including them as part of my unity drive, but the matter was too important to be side-tracked. I obviously should have gone with my gut instead of prevailing sense. I was wrong in this.I tried to correct it by moving discussion into the National assembly instead.

The next issue was the rental amounts from Russia. It was disappointingly low, but no less than what Brazil were paying. After discussion, I came back with a new offer as rightly demanded by the community. There was unhappiness about a) doing it at all (spillover from issue 1) and b) the actual rental amount.

Russian Deal --valid or not
a) I chose to uphold the Congress decision and took personal responsibility because I wanted their honest opinion without concern for liability. I don't apologise for this. It had to be done to move South Africa forward. People were obviously butt-hurt, but I made a promise and kept it.
As annoying as it was; my sacrifice to create an alternative for South Africa was worth it. Having Russia here has proven to be useful this month -- the timing for the RW to get 1 region for Congress was off because we were scrambling without a plan. The concept of competition for our favour remains solid.

b) I totally agree that the initial rental amount was low, but this was the result of it being a tertiary priority during the initial negotiation. We pushed for more, but were more concerned with hooking Russia into coming into South Africa. We knew we were going to end the Brazil rental and needed to have a financial alternate and access to a new ally in place. The rental amount was resubmit to the National Assembly but got constantly derailed while we thrashed out an acceptable number. Funny enough, the number we agreed to is what Leon (staunchest opponent to the entire affair) finally agreed to with Russia. Kudos to him on the re-negotiation, but like all affairs of state, success is built on the work of successive administrations

Past Results
The goal of my term was to exit the agreement with Brazil, try avoid a war, but prepare for one should Brazil react as badly as expected. Part of this plan was to solicit TWO for MPPs while getting the good-will of CUA. My foreign affairs were sunk by Leon and Claudio by having Argentine and Uruguayan MPPs proposed too soon for me to guarantee the TWO support. The nett result is all the TWO work going down the toilet as the presidency was sabotaged to put Leon in office. That's politics.

I still try to get TWO MPPs, but they are not interested in dealing with an unstable country. They have seen the what the CP says and how Congress vote is totally random and untrustworthy and just a waste of time. Not my assessment -- theirs. We need to get some synergy going with an entire nation pulling in the same direction. This comes from giving each administration the room to act without sabotage. We did it this term in the name of a country on the map. All of us need to learn to respect the ballot, and restrict our fights to elections.

So what will my term be about?
Exactly the same as what I started last time. We need to land at least 1 big TWO nation as an MPP. Love you guys, but Slovenia quite doesn't cut it. Serbia is the most likely. Poland is a possibility. UK (ACT) is very probable. Any 2 of those is a major win for South Africa.

We need to continue working with CUA. The course has been set. They are not a bad lot, but concerns remain about how well they cooperate. We need to get into their HQ and actively coordinate instead of guessing their strategies like we are doing now. The military machine is not aided when shrouded in mystery.

We need to get defence sorted properly. DoD orders are erratic and there is no communication with the War Council or the MU Commanders (who should all be co-opted into the War Council as a matter of pragmatism anyway). South Africa have been buying victories with Combat Orders. Our pockets are deep, but we cannot do this forever as a matter of policy. Basic economics says that we will eventually exhaust personal budgets and the public funds. Perhaps not this month or even the next 6 months, but you don't get rich by spending irresponsibly, and you certainly don't stay rich by cutting off all income while increasing your spending.

Leon has gotten cash from the RBA dispensed via the Desert Lion and the eSAAF have easily spent as much donated by me, Grimstone and Kuckuck to keep the walls over 50%. Leon may even have dipped in his own pocket too -- but he's not telling. Once Brazil is out, this spending eases off as we only have to defend Northern Cape, fight for allies, and perhaps defend/initiate the odd Air Strike.

I personally think we have a healthy economic relationship in Russia, but I also know common economic sense does not prevail against nationalism. I also do not expect Russia to be around long after August. Brazil also desperately want to still be friends. There may be options in CUA. We can take all, some or none. The National Assembly will decide in a civilised way.

We have options. If we choose to keep all our duplicate resources, then we need secure a new form of income if we want to pay for support programs. I propose a coordinated military machine to earn us cash and increase activity. If done cleverly, we can side-step the mercenary label... or we can embrace it to increase our population. Again, something that needs public discussion because it has a dramatic effect on the community. No CP can make a unilateral decision on this; just initiate and facilitate discussion.

Economics 101
Love Hennock, but his economic programs are insane. This is unfortunately a matter for Congress to deal with as much as the Presidency. I still want Congress to take personal responsibility for Immigration and Domestic Affairs. They need a proper job and focus so that they can become constructive within the community again. This can only happen if they have to take responsibility for their actions. Right now, they are a headache and obstacle. The Presidency also need to be forced to plan like grown ups and budget. A budget shows a plan. The whole ad hoc way we do things means we randomly drift without plan or purpose.

What does South Africa need.
A President's job is present the country's view while nudging it in a specific direction to achieve agreed goals. Its like herding cats, but you have to keep smiling and nodding encouragingly. Constant communication is essential which is why they assemble a team.

Unfortunately, we also only have a handful of people who actually work in our governments, so it ends up being a solo act in many spheres with most not even existing in South Africa. CP's who act unilaterally don't help. Then you have the normal problem all countries face with losing half of cabinet mid-term and needing to take up the slack or promote the deputies we don't have enough of.

This needs to change if we are going to have consistent government.

Security/immigration and sometimes MoDA tend to tick over (no offense, but I see what other governments do by comparison). Information and education are dead because they need real writing talent, inspiration by the bucket and time. Can you remember when last we had an education article that was about learning to play the game instead of how to get free stuff? This is made worse by our low birth rate which makes is it all a little frustrating and dull.

Our real problem is in foreign affairs and defence. They require a depth in people to cover 24/7 and an IRC presence to actually make headway with foreign powers in a country where most citizens shun the medium. Its all very chatty and social to butter each other up for when you need that favour; but it needs constant doing and the time to do it or you don't build real relationships. This cannot happen without people prepared to do it.

Without changing our sit back and watch culture, South Africa cannot progress. Putting the same people in the same jobs all the time is burning them out. What are we going to do when they have also had enough?

Our attitude to government
I will not criticise Leon's administration because it is a pointless exercise. We all have firm opinions. I do take exception to how what everyone else is doing to prevent South Africa from failing is being totally dismissed. Their loyalty to the country is bigger than personal politics. Respect their ability to do that. Do not mistake cooperation for the good of South africa for accepting the status quo.

There are two kind of people in this country: those who sit back and wait for a collapsed state before considering a new path; and those who see the bus coming and try to take corrective action before we have to deal with a failed state. I strongly encourage you to move to the latter camp. The former only encourage inactivity and nihilism in a country that desperately needs to grow.

Be part of the solution instead of cheering on the problem.
Will you stand up?

Regardless of the outcome, I invite all other candidates into my cabinet and offer to serve in theirs. Standing for this job is enough testament that your heart is in the right place. Its not for sissies. All governments build upon the success of all the previous governments. Good governments keep the good and whittle out the bad. Bad governments fail to learn or take advantage of others' successes. Let's keep moving forward.

Amandla, Awethu.
Power to the people.

Take back your destiny.

TL😉RMiyagiyoda for President.