May be for Miyagiyoda

Day 1,989, 08:45 Published in South Africa South Africa by Miyagiyoda

I must apparently repeat myself to those who do not know the difference between maybe and may be.

May be the time to work to a common goal or scatter divided.
May be the time to work to a common goal or lose our identity.
May be the time to work to a common goal or fade into oblivion.
May be the time to work to a common goal or lose everything.

May be the time for MWAOR RWOAR. May is the time we turn South Africa into our country. May is the time we forge a new destiny everyone can believe in.

Arise South Africa and be counted.
Volunteer now to build new diverse, inclusive South Africa.
The future is determined by what you do today.

Julle ken my.
Natural South African.
Proud eAfrican.
Internationally active.
Never afraid to say what needs saying.
Never afraid to do what needs doing.

Things need doing. Elect the guy who gets them done.
No bull. No promises. No egos.
Only rigid reasoning followed by deliberate action.

If we fail to plan, we will plan to fail.

May be for Miyagiyoda for President

Yours in truth.

TL😉R Applications for my cabinet are open to all who want to work for something. Glory hounds need not apply. We have work to do.