Let's bring up last month's elections again...

Day 1,255, 13:35 Published in Canada Israel by cyber ninja

Here's an article I wrote last month just before CP elections.

Once upon a time

Once upon a time there were three big and powerful citizens. One was Jacobi, another was Addy, and the third was Irontoader. They all wanted to become the president of their country, but only one could be CP. Jacobi and Addy felt so strong about being CP that they didn't even remember that IronToader was running.
Soon came election day and Jacobi and Addy were still quarrelling about how they would get each other out of the race. Eventually, IronToader won because Jacobi and Addy fought their way into disaster, and nobody wanted a CP that competitive.

The end
This may apply to this month too. Not with those two, but maybe some other candidates. Let's hope not though, let's try and prevent it.