Legionar - The might of Poland (part two)

Day 944, 16:06 Published in Poland Portugal by Dimitrij lvanov

In case you missed it, here’s PART ONE


The largest nation of New World has a very strong, well equiped and highly organized armed forces capable of fast deployment and strong enough to destroy a very high wall in a matter of minutes. Its army has several very strong units but the main force behind the scene is her various paramilitary units. Those paramilitary units are almost completely in accordance with the government and some of them even became the part of official armed forces. This is the beginning of series of articles where we’ll try to show you their organization and their „Modus Operandi“. Well tell us already! Who are they? I’ll tell you. They are....



Grom was formed by ex Polish president Buzzy and is first professional paramilitary unit of Poland. The group was created by looking at the best of the best groups from Romania and Spain. From the firsth days GROM was great alternative for Polish Army. Grom’s first base was Romania but after the fall of Carpathian giant, Grom moved a lot and today is situated between Peru and Poland.

Today Grom is a division sized unit and has 92 soldiers, of whom 86 are fieldmarshals and 6 are generals. Commanding Officers are: CO wujek, deputy CO Herubin and szulcek, other officers anglov i Kyouraku Shunsui. How to become member of the unit? Easy. Grom has an open recruitment type and anyone with the strength of 18+ and basic IRC knowledge can apply. After an interview with the candidate, CO will make a decision about the new member.

Unit has 3 companies in manufacturing and 30 members of the unit works in those companies. Other members work either in their own private companies or in companies where they can get instant resignation in case of an emergency. Grom has a pretty close coordination and cooperation with Polish MoD and often has contacts with the President. Having in mind that one of Grom’s members is currently occupying the position of vice MoD, that cooperation is much better than before.

Considering the fact that Grom is one of, if not THE most organized and strongest Polish unit, it is not surprising that they often receive important asignments in every part of the eWorld. When used in official missions Grom receives budget of 45 PLN for 750 DMG from the government. In very important missions this budget is even bigger and it’s about 75 PLN for 1.000 DMG. The damage inflicted by Grom using 5 x Q5 weapon is impressive 200.000 DMG points. For communication they use official forum http://gr0m.pl/forum/ and IRC channel on quakenet where they have channel for guests #askgrom.

Most important actions of this group are operations for taking power in Peru. Operation was conducted together with POW, PMTF and some other EDEN paramilitary units. During that time they fought a number of battles against Brazil and Argentina. One of those battles was The Battle for Great Andes.

Moto of the unit is: Cause we are one flesh, one breath, one life, one blood, and battlecry is Die bitches!.


PMTF (Polish Multi Task Force) is formed on 1st of April 2009. and is one of the oldest existing Polish paramilitary units. First CO of the unit was Kasperski, and after him the place of CO was taken by stanleysts who was at that position several times. Many famous Polish players were members of PMTF. Some of them are ex president of Peru and Poland stanleysts who was also vice MoD of those two countries and Cerber who was three times president of Poland.

PMTF has 92 soldiers – 55 fieldmarshals, 29 generals, 6 colonels and 2 captains. Memebers of the unit are divided in 9 companies with same number of soldiers. PMTF’s CO is tatters and the deputy is Furmansky. Unit has an open type recruitment and is recruiting only when is in need of soldiers. Basic requirements for joining are strength 15+ and activity. You can apply on units official forum. From there candidate’s background will be checked and only the best candidates can join.

Unit has at least 10 companies in Poland and Peru which are used for financing unit’s operations. Companies are Q1, Q3 and Q5 quality but are not the only source of finance for PMTF. They also use PMTF’s bank to speculate on monetary market and gain a few extra gold pieces. Like every other big paramilitary group PMTF also receives financial aid from the government during bigger and more important battles. Mostly they receive guns and tickets but money donations are no longer so rare.

Communication between members of the unit is maintained through forum and chat. Maximum damage without tanking amounts to 143.000 DMG points and that makes them one of the strongest eWorld’s unit. The biggest and most important operation conducted by this unit is political invasion of Peru which was coordinated with members of Grom and some other EDEN units.


Unit was formed by hellmartin in late march of 2009. but it was disolved very fast after it was created. Main reason was bad communication between top players of the unit. It was reactivated again in June by hellmartin but none of the old members wanted to join. The new beginning was very hard because of lack of money and bad communication. Soon hellmartina is impeached and unit was taken over by Cerberus69 who lead the unit untill today.

Husaria has 73 soldiers divided in 7 companies with the same number of men in each. Chief CO is Cerberus69, and his deputy is Qbasa333 who was also CO of the unit during Cerberus’ three months break. Unit recruits only when there’s need for new soldiers who have to fill empty places in one of the companies. The only requirement is 14+ strength and that’s the highest requirement Husaria ever had.

The unit has several companies for its soldiers to work in. They have Q4 weapon, 3xQ1 weapon, 2xQ3 iron, and one Q3 house company which is used only for profit and Hussars do not work there. Firepower of the Hussars is approximately 70.000 – 80.000 DMG points. They follow MoD’s orders and fight in battles important for Poland. During more important battles Hussars receive money from MoD. For communication they use official quakenet channel and their own forum. Their most important battles were defense of Rhone Alps in service of Spain and invasions of Liaoning against Serbia.

Husaria, Rhone Alps May 2009

Moto of the unit is: Quidquid Latine dictum sit, altum videtur which means... check this out: Whatever said in Latin, seems profound 😛