Last week kills Armed Forces of Austria

Day 2,220, 04:20 Published in Austria Austria by OEBernd

Stats of the last week of the Armed forces of Austria.

Army Registration form
If you change your ingamename pls fill out the form again, if you didn´t get weapons pls write me a pm.

Sorry for the delay but as some of you kow I work a lot and my computer was broken. Until I had time to fix it an reinstall all programs eaustria was self ruled.

Thank to all cool people here writing articles, doing my work even they are not in the cabinet.
I used the time to change the donations so from next week I want to use the hits and kills from the weekly challange.
Therefor I just need to export the data once each week but maybe the last time of the last day will not be counted.

Any ideas to change?

Thanx Killerd for donating the weapons, Thx for storing them Schwrzwolf.

This time we are able to send 2523 Q7 weapons!
-> We reduced the daily weapons from 7 to 5 Will take some time to donate the weapons



Here is a collection of links that can help you.