IV's Greatest: Edana Savage

Day 2,517, 15:42 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher
To help young players see, and old players remember, how great and awesome Independent Voices is, I am starting to republish articles written by the greatest and best IVers. I'll start with our first CP,


I'm sure I've stated this before, but I'm sure it can't hurt to say it some more.

(Oh Lordy. It's going to be one those days where I rhyme what I say...s) 😉

Focus, Edana.

Yes, well, there are several reasons why I'm IV and have been since I was old enough to join a party. I'll give you three.

They encourage my boxicidal tendancies.

Yes, my title is self proclaimed. Yes, I use it in RL too. It's kind of my thing. I don't like status quo all the time. I like change and what it brings with it. Yes, it is scary. Yes it is difficult. And most emphatically YES it is one hell of a ride. I enjoy being a catalyst for change.

I do recognize there is a time and place for it. In my advancing age, I have learned when and where to apply this so that it has the greatest effect.

Anyway, IV has always encouraged and embraced me for this little quirk of mine. I have always appreciated their acceptance and I am eternally grateful for it.

I'm stubborn.

Yeah, I admit it. I'm stubborn. I don't like to be told what to do. Kinda goes with the box thing. Me Ma said I was born stubborn, two weeks late and a 23 hour labour. Yeah. STUBBORN.

It's not that the other parties are bad. They all have great ideas from time to time. I just don't like to adhere to one thing all the time. I get the whole party thing, I just don't really want to do the party thing. Do you know what I mean?

I like that IV we have this convergence of ideas and opinions and that it's ok not to agree all the time and still get along. I think you have to be in there to truly get what I'm saying.

I'm like this in RL too. I was just happy to find a party that mirrored my beliefs so well. I wish there was a party like this in RL, because that would be fricken awesome! Maybe I'll start one. After I do the myriad of other things I do. *sigh* So many ideas, so little time.

The People

When it comes down to the end of the day, the reason why I stay is the people. They are just fun people. Very good natured, and full of good humour. Fierce warriors and magnanimous leaders. Full of life and ideas, and occassionally full of other stuff. 😉 Steadfast, loyal, and dedicated. Doesn't that sound like people you want to know?

Now you would think that a party that likes to stay away from party platforms would somehow be on the fringe. Not at all. Many IV members hold cabinet positions for various administrations regardless of who is in the big chair. In fact, I'm serving as Co Minister of New Citizens at the moment.

Frankly, we are probably one of the best kept secrets in Ireland in regards to newer citizens. That's why you are seeing much more of lately. We are letting people know we are here and giving them the opportunity to get to know us. Who knows maybe you will find that we are a good fit. Maybe you will join us, and maybe, just maybe you will become a lifer too. 🙂

One last note.

If you have to ask what our party platform is, then you have missed the point of IV. It's not about platform. It's about having the freedom to say and believe what you want. To be truly independent.

That's why I'm an Independent Voice.

Edana Savage
Destroyer of Boxes
Past Party President
5x Teachta Dála
2x An Taoiseach
3x Minister of New Citizens
2x Minister of Education
1x Minister of MoFA (half term)
And any other nicknames that seem to be floating around given to me by the masses. 😉