Irish Freedom Party - The Future

Day 1,667, 05:04 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ronisu

I would like to preface this message with a bit of directness. I am running for the Presidency of the IFP and hope you will vote for me. Regardless, I hope you will listen to my words.

The Irish Freedom Party

The Irish Freedom Party is one of the longlasting institutions of Ireland, and in recent months it has regrown in voice and size. We stand now as the fourth largest by the numbers, and widely disproportionate by the voice we exercise. Even so, that success is only momentary without forthright work and dedication, which I do believe I can bring to the office. We have a riche past, but I would like to focus on the Future, so I will outline my goals now and give some general explanation.

The Goals

Expand on the size of the IFP through education of new citizens. It is important that we outreach to new citizens. This process is made simpler by the "New Citizens List" in the national records.

In order to recruit we need to clarify the articulation of our Party Goals. I will use my term if elected in moderating discussion on exactly what our party positions are, members can feel free to disagree, however these would be the general views of the party. This is made even more important by the game changes inherent in the Military and Economics Module changes. We have the chance to define several new positions as the Module changes change the very fabric of our world and it is up to the IFP to reform with the times and prosper.

These discussions will carry over to smaller issues such as Tax changes and MPPs. It is vital that we communicate as a party in order to leverage our voice. Now this doesn't mean we ignore the words of other parties, on the contrary, it gives us a better platform to compromise and get pieces we want out of negotiations.

We will continue to run a well oiled and honed electoral machine. The new elections will be much more contested compared to last term's, and it is important that we bring our full effort to maintaining or even expanding our part of the Dail. This is where I will need help from our more active members. I will be in the trenches on and leading up to Election Day whether elected or not, but it is through our combined effort that we achieve our great performance with our limited population.

Finally, I would like to see the IFP entering a more active role in the administration. If elected, I will make it a priority to get some aspiring IFP members placed in some of the Ministries.

Now to dip into the rhetoric...

I can say this, I want to see an IFP that has grown, but maintains its efficiency and atmosphere. I want to see an IFP that can work with our friends to build a better Ireland. I want to see an IFP that has the voice of ideals heard throughout our great land. Join with me and lets make Ireland a better place.

TD Ronisu of Mayo
Proud IFP Member

Feel free to comment, I would be glad to answer any questions either by comment or PM. I believe politics rests on communication, let us discourse... 🙂