Interview with Tim Veltkamp and Janty F

Day 4,016, 00:01 Published in Netherlands Iran by Janty F

Greetings, party members of Democratisch Nederland and citizens of eNetherlands,

as promised in the last article, today we bring you a short interview with both new Party Presidents in this country: Tim Veltkamp from Iron&Wine and Janty F from Democratisch Nederland itself. Both received four standard questions, and after that, Tim Veltkamp got a chance to ask his questions to Janty F.

1. Why did you decide to run for the position of Party President?

Tim Veltkamp: We discussed internally and decided I would go for a term, no particular reason or anything.

Janty F: I wanted to give it a shot, as I have seen no candidate around, and I thought I have something to offer to the party by becoming a Party President.

2. Can we expect some bigger changes in your party politics during your term?

Tim Veltkamp: The Party President is just a title, all of I&W are free to decide on their own on what to go for. Me personally though, I have no major plans for a change in the party or anything of the sort.

Janty F: In terms of party policies, we have a team of active people with firm opinions, so I will certainly not fight against their individuality. In terms of party itself, I will attempt to make DemNL more visible in the media, because I want our voices to be heard loud and clear!

3. What do you think about recent activity and proposals discussed and passed in Congress?

Tim Veltkamp: Some we voted yes on and some we didn't. Just a normal term of Congress really. As for the activity, it is always welcomed and I hope it will continue in the coming months.

Janty F: It is certainly good the Congress is active, and that many proposals came either from DemNL itself, or DemNL members worked and debated to make them better. It will be interesting to watch, whether or not will all these changes will have the desired positive effect or not.

4. Since we getting closer to the end of 2018... where would you like to see eNetherlands in 2019? (in terms of politics, economy, military, etc.)

Tim Veltkamp: More than 20 seats perhaps? 😛 Other than that I would like to see eNL be just as active in 2019 as we have been in the last couple months, which would be more than enough.

Janty F: As I am not military person myself (despite being Minister of Defense 😂 ), I would like to see our economy and market expanding (by people building more factories during Black Friday, for example!) to improve our budget, and I would like to see more "new" or "not-the-usual" faces in the highest governmental or Congressional positions.

And now questions from Tim to Janty:

1. Have you been PP or other party related positions in eCuba?

Janty F: I have been the longest consecutive elected Party President of the only full English speaking party in Cuba. Got into the position quite randomly, but remained in it for 2 years.

2. Is there much difference as to how that former party operated compared to DemNL or others here?

Janty F: Well, my party was (with some notable exceptions, of course!) mostly filled with either 2-clickers, or people, who were not really interested in Spanish-speaking politics, so we were often near the bottom of the list and it was hard to find enough active candidates for Congress. DemNL will therefore be quite a different experience for me.

3. Which do you prefer, eCuba or eNL?

Janty F: 3. Ufffff, that's a tough one... given my short amount of time present here, it would be quite difficult to compare, as cultures in both countries differ - for example in Cuba, the politics was much more... "violent" at times (and so was I 😶 ), but in the end I still managed to make a lot of friends there across both sides of the aisle, which I now miss. However, eNL has a big advantage for me, because I do not need to translate my words in three different languages. So we will see... so far I like it here a lot, and I certainly plan to stay for a longer period of time 🙂 .

I would like to thank Tim for his time and I hope you enjoyed this interview. If you have ideas, who should be interviewed next, please let me know in the comment section!

Janty F
Party President of Democratisch Nederland