Interview with AkasunaItachi and Polandballs

Day 2,268, 13:36 Published in Belarus Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

"I like your balls more than the other guys. You make more details on Slovenian emblem"
~ Franca Koderlajsa

Hello my dear readers, for today I have an interview with AkasunaItachi, La Fuerza MU commander. I hope you like it 🙂

Article dedicated to eSerbia for helping us turn the tide against eLatvia.

What can you tell us about you?

I’m an old eSerbian player (will be 5 years in 5 more months). The acc is new because I left the game for few months 2 years ago, so when I decided to come back, I started over. In Serbia I wasn’t really a politician, but I was MoFA few times in the good times, before both eSerbia and eRep became a joke.
The success I’m most proud of is reaching 5k+ subs with none bought, on my original acc ofc, thus being the 2nd most read journalist in v1 Serbia

What do you think about the political evolution of eSerbia?

Yeah, evolution is the right word. I was really disappointed by the fails of our politicians, which destroyed the game for many many serbs. Many left eSerbia, many left the game, because of their incompetence, and leading country on the way of ignorance, dishonour and stupidity for the sake of 10/10. We had no interesting campaign for years. Since few days ago, lead by the wave of thai players in Philippines AS battle, Serbia got united for the first time after many years.
Since then, we actively fight together for our allies massively, so far in the battles of Portugal, Slovenia, and yesterday Belarus.

Which countries would you consider the best and worse allies in the game?

Best, surely Greece, 2nd Chile although they tend to betray their allies if Bulgaria orders so, but to ones that are allied to them, they are good allies. Third, maybe Slovenia, I’m probably not objective and I tell it from serbian perspective, but Slovenian people are definition of true allies.
As for the worst, tough call, the first place should be shared by FYROV and Bulgaria, they are both well known for their betrayals, and joining the ones with more damage. They don’t help anyone, instead they got many of their main tanks in merc units that tank against their allies, while their country constantly asks for help. Second place, I’ll put USA, country that has 0 true allies in this game, except Brazil maybe, because they simply are a definition of the selfish and arrogant country, without even having any actual power to back it up. Third, Turkey for well known reasons, although they became so unimportant that no one pays much attention on them.

As commander of La Fuerza, what could you tell us about your MU and your experiences in Chile and Belarus?

Well, as wrote in too many articles, we started up in Chile and our best memories still remain in that country. Even though they declared Serbia as their main enemy, we still haven’t fought even once against them, because of the respect and the memory of those times. In belarus, we are happy to help, although we found ourselves in a tough situation, with lack of motivation because we felt isolated and like we were playing in a 9 citizens nation, la fuerza, with no contact with the outside. But we are trying to make it work out, we made effort to completely move our unit coordination to skype, so we can establish a contact with belarus community. We even made a common group for our members and the players of belarus, and in future weeks we have many plans to bring interesting content and activity on that group.

Which one would you consider La Fuerza's best battle?

Probably the South Finland battle for Belarus, where we won 3 rounds singlehandedly, against many Finish gold buyers. Finland seems weak to most of uninformed people, but they are in top 20 strongest countries, and have 10 times more d4 citizens than belarus does. So defeating them 3 times in a row with just 8 members, its not a small thing to so 🙂
In chile times, probably when we won 2 rounds against argentinian and greek visa tanks, while they were going all in (they were fighting for their congress). There is even a video clip of our coordinated fights from that time on our wiki, check it out, we moved nations back then 😃

About the alliances, how would you describe with a few words, EDEN, Phoenix, Peace, Atlantis, ONE, TWO, CoT and CTRL?

EDEN: In the first few years, a strong, well organized and respectable alliance. Later, dead man walking.

Phoenix: Same as I described EDEN basicly.

Peace: Legendary alliance, the only one that I remember with nostalgia. Times of true brotherhood and friendship, and a golden era for my country too.

Atlantis: It didn’t exist when I registered, it was Eden/Fortis vs PEACE in that time (2009), so I wouldn’t like to comment it with no personal experience.

ONE: Revolution in erep, first time when the superpowers rounded up in order to dominate the rest of the world. The "ONE world tour" was probably the biggest domination made by some alliance in this game, leaving almost every single enemy deleted. With time, it became a rotten empire. Which ended up to become TWO, an alliance destined to fail. Kicking FYROV wouldnt help it from failing, because apart from Poland, Serbia too became a boring 10/10 country which forgot what does it mean to be an ally or to have allies. It was an alliance made of interest.

CoT: An alliance that had Bulgaria as a leader surely can’t be nothing less than 100% fail. Bulgaria was in literally every alliance in this game, there isn’t a country that wasn’t betrayed by them, so it wasn’t any wonder when they pay TWO back for saving them and winning all their battles, by accepting USA to their alliance. Bulgaria wanted power, to be the one who decides, but they are a weak country with no capacity to do so, so they got what they deserved. Got permadeleted for months.

CTRL wasn’t an alliance. So i wouldn’t even comment it.

Do you think a Serbian-Chilean MPP (or at least an improvement of the mutual relations) is possible in the short term?

If serbs have any honour left, i think its not possible, as long as Chile obeys orders that come from Bulgaria. They are an awesome country, but the bulgarians made them lose much of the respect they have. If chile and serbia come to be normal and honourable countries as they were, i would like it more than anything, but I don’t see it possible any time soon.

What can you say about eArgentina, your former nemesis?

They are a country still allied with turkey, and the turks were the most similar to argentina for a long time. It seems to me that they saw that most of countries don’t respect them and avoid to be their allies for their arrogance and selfish actions. So with time, they decided to improve their image, and have done so by helping their allies hard in last months. Still, they don’t have my personal respect, due to many years of being enemies, but their picture is improving every day.

Now about your favorite country, FYROM, what can you say about them?

Only country that has 0 respect from me. Nothing good came from their side, ever. In the time when their country was added, Bulgaria left Phoenix because, I quote "they will never be allied with FYROM, and they won’t rest until they are permadeleted". Serbia defended FYROM, helped them build an army, fed their babies, even gave them one of its original regions for free, to have more bonus. How did FYROM say thanks for it? Once they got strong enough to defend themselves, they left to none other than Bulgaria, and betrayed Serbia soon after. Im pretty happy they did, they remained most known to me as people that cheat on itrade, beg for subs, destroyed news module with voters club, made that RW script, and react like 5 year olds when someone mentions their RL official UN name, and not the name they would like to have. To sum it up, I’m happy that they are our enemies, and I hope they will remain so for a long time. Because, with friends like FYROV, who needs enemies?

What do you think about eSpain, do you consider them as good or bad allies?

eSpain in general has good people, but crappy politicians, similar to Serbia. I had great respect for them, but they have been acting not so good in last months, so I think that these results were pretty much expected by all of us.

Favorite drink?

Vodka and Rakija, can’t choose 😃

Favorite movie?

Underground, a Serbian movie by Emir Kusturica, my recommendations 🙂

Favorite Greek hero?

Alexander the Greek, surely o7

Which country (or region) would like like to visit?

Well, id like to go to St Petersburg one day for sure, its one of the most beautiful cities in the world if you ask me. Also, I’d like to spend some time in southern Italy, like a month or something, I like the way their people live their lives 🙂

Now be honest, are you a human or a Koala?

Ancient scrolls found in Skopje were very unclear, it still remains a mystery…

Anything else you want to say to the readers?

Itachi uber alles, tremble FYROM and Azistan \o/



PS: NCR > Caesar's Legion 😛

@ Germanyball

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Interview with AkasunaItachi and Polandballs

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