I will rather take pragmatic government, thank you very much!

Day 3,937, 12:33 Published in Netherlands Iran by Janty F

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

with all the sudden pre-election fuzz started by Shawtyl0w, let me state a few words on the topic as well. While the articles of Shawtyl0w call for either a magical politician or someone, who will bring revolution, I believe, what Netherlands needs is a government of pragmatism.

To quote: Pragmatism emphasizes the practical application of ideas by acting on them to actually test them in human experiences.

And that is,exactly what half-dead country like Netherlands needs. We do not need loud ideologists, who will repeat and yell constantly "Old is good!" "Change is needed!" "This is the only right thing to do!" "No, this is better!", throwing words and ideas at each other, but ultimately achieve nothing. Words and ideas are not going to feed anyone at the end of the day. We need government that will work. Government that will do something. Government that is not afraid to make a mistake and that is not afraid to try various solutions for our problems, and then keep the best one and maintain it for the future. Government, which will focus on practical things, instead of theory.

And sure, being pragmatic sounds boring. Pragmatists cannot afford to make audacious claims, which they know cannot be practically achieved. When you are idealist, you can promise heaven and hell to people... but will you truly be able to deliver, when your promises are not based on reality, but on theory?

So... yeah... let's think for a minute, if a wave of pragmatism should be something to pursue in our common future.

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Best regards

Janty F
Citizen of eNetherlands