How about those in-game taxes?

Day 3,967, 07:41 Published in Netherlands Iran by Janty F

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

today, I will write a short article, however I would like to start a discussion with it about the topic, which I consider quite important - in-game taxes. Few days ago, I have received a following message (it is possible some other Congress members received it as well).

This message actually forced me to look at our in-game taxes, and I have realized the Dutch taxes have been last time changed more than a year ago (which is probably around the same time Laws were changed as well). With all the recent activity and ideas, resource concessions, etc. I think it is the ideal time to look at our current taxes, and ask ourselves a question:

How about those in-game taxes? Are they good/bad? Should they be changed? Or not? And why?

Personally, I believe a change in taxes is needed, with Work Tax going down (not to 1%, but 4% Work Tax we currently have is quite high in comparison with majority of smaller countries) and maybe some import/VAT taxes going up and down as well, based on the need of state to have some income.

However, I would be glad to hear your opinion - so, go ahead and debate 😉 .

This article was sponsored by Home Food Company - a corporate greed company in support of lower taxes!

Best regards

Janty F
Citizen of eNetherlands