House Cleaning {Funky for CPF PP}

Day 1,637, 12:59 Published in Canada Canada by Funky 24

I woke up to a shock today on eRepublik. Determined to investigate renegade Trenton Rendell's refusal to submit to my supreme authority for the sake of a fair election, I discovered that the CPF had lost 17 members, overnight!

Were these all NPG members packing up and leaving, some other party poaching the CPF's members or some cult ritual where some loyal members decided to sacrifice themselves to me (that isn't until the 24th)?

I had already been abused publicly by the vacuous Sperry in Congress by his shameful and tripe complaints of my tenure as Emperor. He clearly didn't see that my demands for an appropriate masking had gone unmet, meaning that nobody was getting that nice list I had made for eCanada.

But fortune smiles on me. I soon discovered that Plato had simply done some house cleaning of what I assume were inactive members. In fact we had moved up to 4th in the rankings as EPIC lost 100 members, the ex-TCOp had lost about 50 members, Norsefire-Wolfpac about 80 members and the MDP about 27. A good exchange for the Blue Moose.

Not losing more than 22% of our membership is an achievement I didn't think I would be pronouncing today, but there it is. Hopefully our ability to keep our member's attention while they're playing such as through a clear ideology and intrusive messaging is the reason. Our useful in-game messaging thread will continue when I'm re-elected.

With our new spot in the Top 5, the CPF now has a responsibility to gather as much interested Congressional candidates as possible and have everyone else fill the rest of the candidate spots with blockers.

Our current candidates are me, Exalted Druid, crisfire, Ardikus v2, Plastic Doll/Nunavut, Xzar/Ontario, Klop123/PEI and Wilhelm Gunter. Regions for people interested in blocking will be assigned individually after our real Candidates are placed in the right spots. Current blockers for information's sake are Plugson, Auk Rest, Andrew Chuckleton, lucifer_ultionis, goofy duck and Pants Magee (who we will be directing votes to anyway).

I appreciate everyone's interest and hope to hear from more people in the party.

Beyond our new responsibilities, CP and Congressional elections beyond that will be handled exactly as I have handled them in the past.

The Tenets will be looked at to see how they can be expressed better and my focus on retainment over recruitment will stay the same.

If you know what's best, I'm sure you'll vote for Funky Hum24n on the 15th.

(tinyurl: )

Seven Tenets of the Canadian Progressive Front
1. Uphold the equality of all active Military Units
2. Make the accounting of government funding more open and important
3. Enhance our place in EDEN and TERRA
4. To respect, recognize and uphold the supremacy of the mechanics of the game
5. Develop a positive political sphere
6. Bring in Canadians to eRepublik
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy, by making forever available credit and bursaries to the general public

- Funky Hum24n, Canadian Progressive Front Party President.
- Join our party.
- Join us at our forum.
- Our IRC Channel is #nCPF
- CPF Wiki Page
- The Praetors, the CPF's official affiliated Military Unit
Your Re-Introduction to the Canadian Progressive Front, Part 1
Your Re-Introduction to the Canadian Progressive Front, Part 2
CPF Update Oct. 22