Holy Republic of eBeloalbania

Day 2,079, 02:35 Published in Belarus Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

Greeting my dear Beloalbanian citizens and allies,
I, NueveOcho, would like to address you as the President of the newest eCountry in eRepublik, the Holy Republik of eBeloalbania.
With this article I would also like to show you our Ministries in order to show us our goals for a better understanding of our country.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs [MoFA]

Our MoFA team has proposed the following goals:

1) Recognize Kosovo as the coolest Serbian territory.
2) MPP eNorth Korea, eRepublic of Srpska, eMEKland, eIncistan and eBostwana and eFYROM.
3) We will join Imperium Alliance so Croatia can have a friend.

Ministry of Defence [MoD]

Our MoD has proposed the following goals:

1) Creating a national MU for Players and goats, the MU shall be named “Goat Army”.
2) Creation of secret Q8 weapons for better scores in the battles.
3) Stealing lolper’s MasterCard to finance our mighty army.

Ministry of Finance (MoF)

Our MoF has proposed the following goals

1) After we finance the fearful Goat Army we will use lolper’s MasterCard to establish our economy.
2) Our national currency will be the Rublgoat.
3) We will attempt to donate a goat to every citizen.

Ministry of Feelings (MoFeels)

The MoFeels will report every single comment or shout that hurts our national pride! We are a proud eCountry and we deserve to be respected!
Our Minister will be Al Punk, he does the job really well!

Ministry of Communication (MoC)

The MoC shall write the Official government newspapers. These articles shall be written in Belarusian, Serbian, Klingon and Lavukaleve and they will include mandatory coolpics.

Signe😛 NueveOcho, President of the Holy Republic of eBeloalbania. Tiraneskaya, day 2079 of the New eWorld

Listen our eNational anthem by clicking the CP Seal :3

Hail Belarus o/
Hail Beloalbania o/

Holy Republic of eBeloalbania
