Hidden Easter Egg! Also: Maymay Makers Unite

Day 2,831, 03:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hail Astrid

Plato's latest advertisment looks pretty convincing. Looks like Lana dyed her hair. Plato likes redheads? Irrelevant, for there is a conspiracy afoot.

Most of you have probably seen this pop up and assault you when you log in recently.

But that's not all! Little did you know, there is an hidden Easter Egg put in by the eRepublik developers, to commemorate Ninoy Aquino Day in the Phillipines, which falls today!

However, they did not make it easy. To view this Easter Egg, you have to change your browser view settings from 'Default' to 'Custom' (available only on Internet Explorer v.01). Go here and follow the instructions below to change your browser view settings.

Figure 1

With reference to Figure 1, click on the button the arrows point to and input any number you wish. For greater probability of success, input as high a number as the game will allow.

Now log out of the game, clear your browser history (oh, it's already empty? Hmmm, that's convenient) and then log back in. You should see this:

If you don't, you may need to go back in the process and input a larger number into the system. This solves 90% of the technical complaints received.

Hope everybody has a good Ninoy Aquino Day!

Also, can we make this a meme? I call it the 'eRepublik Zombie'.

inb4 Plato uses actual kawaii characters to sell virtual goods