Hello Brotherhood from Kosova! Puna e javes se trete! (eAlbanian MOFA)

Day 2,200, 12:41 Published in Albania Albania by AUTOCHTHONOUS ILLYRICUM

Honorable eAlbania's friends,allies and brothers.
First of all I want to thank all you,in my name,in eAlbania's government and people's name.Thank you for everything you did,you make our dream come true,we did Kosova red and with the Two Head Eagle on it.
Thank you to make this possible
This epic batlle was won thank to you,and thank to all eAlbania's people.I was there,all we were there,and I saw every single eCitizien fighting without waiting,without thinking for nothing else,only to win that,only to free Kosova,on our independent day.
I was part of you,you great Titans Xanthar Zaiban , BARONESHA , Trico , Al Punk , Kabesos , Lily s , Kthetra Alb , Oblige , onrop ,GladiatoriKS ,LIapjan , Artela , Lapraksi , Batoa , Elvis Dura , Dark.Prince , John Largo , festimbeqa , Enfal TR , VisarJ , biiis , LiLo1 , BEKR1JA , IMIGRAlboz , A n iT h r o X C z V , armando celiku 7 , BesaBese , TITANIUM.22 , k D22 , eSkenderbeg , maxXx69 , Njesiti SpeciaL , TheMilanist , WhiteRiver Boy , Shmoop , adnanbekaj , Afrodita Mf , TalLe899 , Molosi , bomber21 , Peja001 , THE BL00DY ALBOZ , ShkupiRepublic , Shverceri , Blendix , Mario Vogli , L I R O N , Melissa Rose , Dr. A. Kulla , The Soldier95 , sina roma , Sayfullah, OliWan Kenoli , Sokol B , fatki , SACH18 , Roni.15 ,and all others,without letting away the fighters of Div1,Div2,Div3 which gave us the victory in the latest rounds.And I'm proud for this,I can say it with high voice,I WAS HERE,I'M WALKING ON FREE KOSOVA NOW.
I want to thank all Military Units which put CO for eALbania.

Thank you: and all other friends from all eCountries,thank you from our hearts,thank you so much to be with us,to fight with us.

Something else I want to say is about our donators,all those which answered to our call,are respected and honored,they shared they wepons with us,they shared their money with us,so we had the possibility to support that epic battle.
Thank you: uliks1 , Kosova99 , Lulzim Latifi , HB Warrior , murat velicanstveni , Da White Death , ottomankosovo , DalmatsS , s1haya , WarankZ , ylber5 , skidaaa , Juraaaa , bomber21 , strateg1
(This is only my list,others will be uptade by our CP)

Tani miq,vellezer eShqiptare,puna e Ministrise sone te Puneve te Jashtme per kete jave.
Qe ne ditet e para te javes ka pasur nje kordinim per tu admiruar mes CP cLaw eagLe - MoFA-n Peja001 dhe mua,si zMoFA,dhe ky kordinim ka ardhur zinxgire,deri tek ambasadoret,te cilet qe ne fillim serish kane kontaktuar me vendet perkatese,per t'ju bere te ditur nje beteje epike qe afronte.

Me pas eshte bere gati artikulli per thirrje ndihme ku shume vende e mbeshteten,dhe filluan pergatitjet e luftes.

Eshte bere serish nje bashkebisedim me vendet aleate,me te cilet nenshkruam edhe MPP ditet e fundit,ne prag te luftes.

Nga ambasadoret serish ka vazhduar plotesimi i programit te tyre,qe e vazhdojne punen e admirueshme,dhe i falenderoj.

Ne fillim e ceka ne anglisht nje pershendetje per miqte tane te huaj,dhe punen e MoFA-se per kete muaj,qe me se shumti ka qene organizim dhe thirrje per mbeshtetje per luften e shumepritur.
tani dua t'ju flas edhe juve o vellezer,pa dallim Mu-je,partie politike apo cfaredo lloj gjeje tjeter.
Kjo beteje u fitua fale te gjitheve,cdo qytetar eShqiptar dhe ndihmesen e tij te cmueshme,edhe fale cdo ndihme,fale cdo demi je keni hedh ne kete beteje,u be e mundur festimi i 28-29 Nentorit.
Jam ndjer tej mase krenar qe nga fillimi i luftes,ku te gjithe u mblodhet,te gjithe pa perjashtim,edhe ne fund ia dolem,e beme Kosoven tone te kuqe flakte 🙂
Dhe me krenari e them un isha aty me 28 Nentor,un isha prane jush,krah per krah te gjithe luftetareve me te medhenj eShqiptare,un isha krah jush,dhe jam i nderuar qe isha pjese e te gjitheve ju ne kete dite.
Urime pavarsie eKosova jone,urime 28-29 Nentorin o Shqiptare.
Te perfitoj nga ky rast t'ju bej nje thirrje me qellimin me te mire,shihni frytin e punes nga bashkepunimi qe patem ne kete lufte,e mendoni cfar frytesh mund te marrim nese gjithmone vazhdojme keshtu.

Ju faleminderit per vemendjen.
Me respekt stafi i MoFA-se.
Ministri: Peja001
zevendes.Ministrat:I L L Y R I C U M & Scientist AL