Goat commandos

Day 2,308, 07:57 Published in Belarus Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

So today I was checking the Polish media and I saw an article about lolbanian propaganda and one of the comments stated the following:

Goat Commandos? What could be that? Are the lolbanians getting some short of Special Forces?
I needed to investigate, so I decided to go to Albania.

I wanted to go straight to Tirana, but since they don't have any proper airports I had to go to a civilized country first. I caught the Misnk-Belgrade flight, then I picked a train to Kosovo-i-Metohija, Serbia's south province, and once there I asked one Albanian citizen for a ride to Tirana.

Once I arrived to Tirana, I did some reseach about where the Goat Commandos could be hidden. It was in a small town right next to the FYROM border, so I decided to go there and keep my investigation.
The facility was easy to find, as it was the only building will more than 3 walls in the whole town.

With my fake ID card and my great Turksih skills I fooled the guardian and I was able to get inside the Goat Commandos HQ. I placed some hiddens cams and then used one abandoned room as my operations room. After one week spying the Albananians I found out their greatest secret, they were creating secret Q8 weapons.

I quickly took as many pictures of that fearsome weapon and planned my escape route, at fisrt I wanted to scape using some kind of pipes, but the complex had neither water nor gas, so I had to think about another route, but I could think of any at all. Because of my frustation I had kicked one wall, it fell because of the facility's weak structure; the escape route I was looking for appeared just in front of me, so I started to run as fast as I could.
Getting close to the Serbian border I noticed many Albanian patrols looking for me, so I decided to head to Thessaloniki, Macedonia, Greece. Thanks to Albania's low GDP, they couldn't afford to have more patrols, so my road to Greece was frankly easy. I got to the airport and I headed back to Belarus. My mission was successful, I felt really proud about it.

Vote, shout and sub, this girl already did! :3

Bogi's coolpic

Goat commandos!
