Funky Hum24n for CPF PP [June-July]

Day 1,668, 09:52 Published in Canada Canada by Funky 24

These past thirty-one days mark the first time in a long, long time that we have had a full term as a Top 5 party. Eventually I was going to have a term where I might not have the energy like I have had over the past six months to write constantly about the failings of everything that isn't the CPF. I suppose that term was this one.

With the new responsibilities of being a Top 5 Party President, the disappointing, boring and tedious reign of Sperry coupled with the last few chaotic weeks where we left EDEN, saw our CP quit and the arrival of a MDP-Norsefire government, it's been more interesting to let these things play out. So I apologize for the lack of CPF reading material.

But we move forward. In addition to watching with amusement with what's going on, I've also been listening to the party. People are tired of funding MUs with their taxes if those MUs are not investing in infrastructure or using Slave Pits. The CPF does not believe in blind militarism, but rather accountable spending so that our MUs live up to the standards of today's eCanada rather than getting what they want, whenever they want to.

Many people have voted with their feet with the lack of war and the new high income taxes. Taxes need to stop being fiddled around with by a Congress that has a serious case of bi-polar disorder, often changing the taxes the beginning of every Congress on a whim, with no care about the impact. I purposely left out taxes from the CPF's Tenets given how much the economy can change and wanting to focus more on how we spend money. But if Congress wants to raise taxes to the point where we end getting less revenue, then I will use the CPF's resources bring back some fiscal sanity.

Having left EDEN and with Terra on the verge of imploding, eCanada needs serious leadership that advances our interests in the International Arena. Playing domestic political chicken with war proposals doesn't qualify as such. Unfortunately, eCanada's largest party is a sad excuse for a party, unable, unwilling to do anything for eCanada besides getting its members medals.

So, I do intend on running for another term as Party President. As the longest serving PP in our party's history, I do have the political experience and visibility that a party ought to look for. Achievements include the conception of the I-GMT our party uses for communication a selection of party Tenets that are relevant, the popular convention of messaging our members for their vote during CP elections and a regular stream of articles to articulate policy, beliefs, opinions and party news.

For the future, I have learned from our performance in the last Congressional election and have brought in Wilhelm Gunter to run our SVT as well as decided to not run blockers. I will be looking for a CPF candidate to run for CP. I will pursue gaining our own sub-section on the eCanada forum, whether or not the party thinks that it should be our official off-site forum.

Vote Funky on the 15th.

(tinyurl: )

Seven Tenets of the Canadian Progressive Front
1. Uphold the equality of all active Military Units
2. Make the accounting of government funding more open and important
3. Enhance our place in TERRA
4. To respect, recognize and uphold the supremacy of the mechanics of the game
5. Develop a positive political sphere
6. Bring in Canadians to eRepublik
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy, by making forever available credit and bursaries to the general public

- Funky Hum24n, Canadian Progressive Front Party President.
- Join our party.
- Join us at our forum.
- Our IRC Channel is #nCPF
- CPF Wiki Page
- The Praetors, the CPF's official affiliated Military Unit

Your Re-Introduction to the Canadian Progressive Front, Part 1
Your Re-Introduction to the Canadian Progressive Front, Part 2
CPF Update Oct. 22