Focused Unity

Day 1,932, 05:56 Published in South Africa South Africa by Miyagiyoda

It is more than just about unity. People get lost in unity. Unity can rob us of the diversity we need to adapt.

Pursue unity in diversity.
Pursue focused unity in a common goal.
Pursue a South Africa where everybody is needed.

South Africa needs a common goal we can rally around. A common purpose will galvanise us into the unified nation we seek. We are tiny. Outside of a "baby-boom", we can only grow by drawing the best of the new world here. This demands that we embrace multiculturalism and flourish as cosmopolitan haven away from the real world concerns other countries have. The only way to prevent the existing community feeling threatened is to grow and successfully integrate new members. If we forget to do the latter, then the former will become our demise. I we fail to grow we will continue to wane away.

The goal in our protected little society? The most bad ass coordinated army in the world. We may be tiny, but we can turn battles. And that demands focused unity. We have no enemies. We can afford to flex.

South Africa must once again take leadership. We need to resurrect our regional alliance we had in Comrades of the Southern Cross and reform it into a Commonwealth of Small Countries. Small countries share common problems. None of us fit into the New World. Be are out-gunned, out resourced, outsiders. We have common cause. Significance and purpose.

This goal is an extension of the national focus. Many small countries cooperating are in effect a large nation. Focused unity gives us purpose internationally and a reason to keep clicking.

It all ultimately rests on our common culture.
Will we respect each other?
Will we be sensitive to each others' needs?
Will we take things in good humour?
I know you can and want to be one of these new South Africans.

Take the leap. Embrace the future. Its a revolution, baby.

TL😉R Version: Our future is written in how we act today. Remember how we got here. Pass it forward. Live tomorrow today.