Fed Party Update d2006

Day 2,006, 12:57 Published in USA USA by Derphoof

Damn straight! I’m here again to keep you updated on our Srs Fed Bsns! We have several things going on in the party this week! So let’s get to it!

Congress Sign-ups

Our Political Staff is now taking applications to become a representative of the Feds in Congress.

This is not a job that should be taken lightly. It requires a mixture of experience, activity and knowledge of current affairs in order to be an effective congressman! At the Feds, we do our best to choose optimal candidates to represent us!

As a reminder, only Feds who have been a member of the party for over 1 month can apply! The political staff will be filtering applications from both old and new members as they try to select the best Feds for the job! Old and new members will be among the chosen, so don’t let your age discourage you! If you don’t get the job this time, keep applying! Being active on the forums, IRC, and in the general eRepublik community always increases your chances of getting selected.

For those who are interested, you can read the requirements and find the application here.

Good luck to all those who apply!


You read that right! Before most contenders have even announced their candidacy, the Feds have to decide which candidate we want to run!

You see, here in the Federalist Party, we are extremely grateful to have so many hard working and talented people in our ranks. They fill congress month after month, and they make up the majority of the executive branch this month as well. Amongst our members, we also have many people who are qualified to run for president and wish to take on that challenge. As such, we have two candidates from the Federalist Party this month.

Those two candidates are Paul Proteus and Duncan Crowe!

In order to accommodate this, we have decided to hold a party primary to decide which candidate should move on to the Unity Primaries. As such, this will be the schedule of events for the primary:

Today (Saturday, 5/1😎

Duncan Crowe and Paul Proteus will start threads on the Fed Forum making their case for why they would be the best to represent the Feds in the next election. These are not formal campaign articles, they will not include cabinet lists. They are more like general objectives and why they want to run in the first place.

Q&A (Sunday, 5/19)

Time is limited, so if you have questions for the candidates, best ask them quickly.

POAL OPENS (Monday, 20)

The forum poal will open on Monday, so you better have some idea of who you like better by then. It will only be open for 48 hours.


Because of the short time period, we need to make sure all of our members get their chance to weigh in on these two guys. We'll put up a party article to let people know what's going on and perhaps even conduct a short interview with each of them. The FOP will do their thing and message blast everyone so they can vote before the poal closes.

POAL CLOSES (Wednesday, 22)

Self-explanatory. The poal will close and we will know who our Fed candidate will be. They may reserve their official announcements until AFTER the Congressional elections. It's poor form to do it sooner than that and they will need this time to work on their national campaign.

This format will help our voters to describe which of our candidates will go on to the Unity Primaries and stroll on into the White House face the rest of the candidates in a highly competitive election cycle.

Good luck to Dunks and Paul Proteus as they duke it out for the Federalist Nomination!

Recommended Reading

What 1 cool feature should they develop for our game by Aramec
Who would like to come along for the ride by Bucephalus92
Running for the Congress by NewSaver
Yeah so I’m running for... by Josh Frost
Fed PP: New Beginnings by BigCDizzle
A SHIEL😨 eRep’s First MFU by Jakov Mikhailovich
When Two Parties Fight, Who Suffers? by Malarkey 83

There is always discussion going on in the Fed Forums, and here are some threads to check out in case you’ve been away:

Admins Change Media Module?
Proteus4Poteus Platform
Delightful Damage ←- SHIELD TOPIC

eFPR will be Thursday at 18:00 eRep time at RadioStar!

That’s it for us today! Make sure to vote, shout, and subscribe for more Srs Fed Bsns. Thanks for reading!

-The Federalist Media Team