Fed Party Update d1996

Day 1,996, 20:17 Published in USA USA by Derphoof

Damn straight! I’m Derphoof with your Federalist Srs Bsns! We have several things going on in the party this week! So let’s cut to the chase!


The Four Candidates Mid-Debate

The Federalist Party is in the process of choosing a party president! Nominations are open and candidates are already taking questions! Currently, four candidates have accepted thei nominations. They are:

Fire in our Bellies
BigCDizzle’s Answers


Bringing Sexy Back
Tiacha’s Answers


Crash’s Answers

The Original Fawkie

Fawkie’s Answers

Good luck to all of the nominees! Nominations are open until the 10th at 19:00 eRep time. So, if you want someone to be nominated, get in this thread and nominate them! Please stop by the forums to check out their Q&A’s in order to make an informed decision!

Voting will begin right after nominations close!

Poker Night with the Feds

In other news, we are organizing Federalist Poker night. In order to do this, we must first gauge general interest. So here would be the details:

- The event would be hosted on Pogo.com
- We will work out the date to a night that works best.
- We would get a couple of tables and password protect them.
- Participants would be given a table number and a password for entry.

Participants would likely put in some amount, no more than $100, into a pot for the winner. At the end, whoever is left standing would be the winner!

If you’re interested at all please sign up in this thread!

Thanks! I hope to see you all there!

Recommended Reading

Talk Radio Invades RadioStar by Catri Athena
The Fat Lady Ain’t Singing by Tyler Buublar
Here Comes the Boom... by BigCDizzle
Creating a Masterpiece by Derphoof
Thoughts on US-AIM by Josh Frost
A Chance to be Better by NewAzazel
Controversial Funsies = Best Kind? by fingerguns

There is always discussion going on in the Fed Forums, and here are some threads to check out in case you’ve been away:

I Wish the game had Banks
When Should Unity Elections End?
AIM Discussion
New Name for Fed Radio?

eFPR will be tomorrow at 18:00 eRep time at RadioStar!

All candidates for PP will be online for a debate!

That’s it for us today! Make sure to vote, shout, and subscribe for more Srs Fed Bsns. Thanks for reading!

-The Federalist Media Team